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  1. Hi everyone, First and foremost, THANK YOU ALL for your continued support of JJFP. For those of you that got to come backstage and meet Jeff & Will, I think you felt there genuine appreciation for your continued support over the years. Putting these shows together was no easy task. When you try and schedule shows for one of the busiest movie stars in the world to perform with one of the busiest DJ's in the world it is quite challenging to say the least. But we DID IT! We are working on bringing the shows to other cities in Europe and to the US. It's just that pesky word - schedule - that seems to be the biggest obstacle. But don't fret! We are going to make more shows happen. And I promise, once I get confirmed dates I'll be sure to report in on the forum so you can all plan accordingly. To you guys that I met in Blackpool - it was SO NICE TO FINALLY MEET! To all the fans in cities we haven't visited yet, I look forward to meeting you all soon. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, thank you, thank you!
    6 points
  2. I'm always happy when people find their way back to the art that ignites their passion. Good for Will. It's been years since I've been on here. Hope everyone is doing well.
    4 points
  3. Jazzy Julie

    Will Smith

    That reminds me. I need to make an account with the lil Wayne forum to tell them all his music sucks.
    4 points
  4. I took a minute to process the incident and the night in general before posting on here, it hit home for personal reasons, that I’ll explain, and it also took me a while to try and understand what developed and why. After deliberation, obviously violence is never the answer. It’s inexcusable, but, it’s also understandable based on what has been revealed to us in recent months and years. I saw a broken man, at his breaking point, that’s lived pretty much flawlessly over nearly four decades in the public eye. After reading WILL, it opened my eyes to that lack of acceptance Will has always had, and his strive to ‘put right’ what he got wrong as a kid. Namely, his inaction when his father would abuse his mother, both physically and mentally. I believe this played a part in the spur of the moment decision to act when he felt his wife was attacked. Another thing that came to mind is his obsession to not fail, think back to when Sheree divorced Will, and he refused because ‘I don’t get divorced’. He was willing to stay in a marriage he wasn’t happy in because of his commitment to the decision he made. Fast forward to the ‘Entanglement’ and we have a carbon copy of the fight to save his marriage, that got turned into memes and internet trends, namely of Will crying when emotional speaking of his wife’s affair with someone he’d brought into his home to help. I also believe Will becomes so engrossed in roles that he wants to embody what Richard Williams stands for in terms of defence towards his wife and children, and with them all being women, it’s overlapped into Wills personal life. Not just with Jada and his kids, but with the cast and crew of the movie, also. Now, you’re Will Smith, you’ve made the decision to stand by your wife and forgive her sleeping with another man, almost having the acceptance because she was facing her own demons. I do have my opinion on Jada and what damage she may be causing to Will, but in this instance, you have to take it at face value that he chose to forgive and move on, so we should to. You get to a point when Jada opens up about her autoimmune disease that results in Alopecia, and in her darkest moments dealing with her hair loss, she had suicidal thoughts and intentions, but managed to pluck up the courage to eventually embrace the situation and use it as fuel to encourage other sufferers of the disease. It’s important to remember that it goes much further than just simple vanity. As a husband myself, and being married to a woman that suffers with mental health, namely Agoraphobia, I’ve witnessed the lows that nobody else sees, I’ve witnessed the brave face that everybody else thinks is natural, and I’ve also seen the small innocuous comments, that the majority would brush off, bring her entire world crashing down faster than what seems imaginable. But it happens. Now, put yourself in the shoes of Will, sweeping the awards season, a favourite to achieve his first Oscar, an award he’s been openly chasing for two decades since his first nomination. You’re on top of the world, embracing the moment. This is the best your career could ever be, the pinnacle. Someone then makes a joke in poor taste, about the women you love, on what’s supposed to be the biggest night of your career, and you glance over to your wife and she isn’t impressed. I believe Will unlocked some inner demons he’d buried writing WILL, I believe he’s reeling from being humiliated about the ‘Entanglement’, I believe he’s bitten his tongue on many occasion when the names of his wife and children got dragged through the dirt in front of millions. In that moment, I believe Will thought, it doesn’t matter what I do in my career, I’ll always be that scared little boy that didn’t stop his Mother from getting beat. And he said, no more. As a side note, it’s important to understand what triggers are when it comes to mental health, and what you’re husband may know will be damaging to you, even though it seemed an innocent off the cuff comment. I’m sure Chris Rock was unaware, and Will could have handled in a more calm and well matured manner than resorting to violence, especially as it’s completely overshadowed what was a richly deserved and overdue Oscar victory for what was a phenomenal performance. I congratulate Will on his Oscar win, and I really hope if he is struggling with his life and is overwhelmed by what’s being asked of him, or what he feels is being asked of him, that he seeks the help to recover and get back to being himself. It was difficult to watch someone I’ve admired for so long hit rock bottom on the same night he reached his highest point, but it was also a stark reminder that we expect superhuman actions out of people who are just as human as the people they entertain. Sorry it dragged on LOL
    4 points
  5. Here is some of the jazzyjefffreshprince.com crew - there was a lot of us there.. there was heaps of JJFP fans there it was incredible to see - everyone had made their own JJFP t-shirts! Brakes shirt got a lot of love! I'll write a whole article about the experience I just need time to process it but the concert was a lifelong dream and it was as good as I had hoped. Amazing experience. For those that couldn't go, Lynette, Jeff's wife said that when Will and Jeff got off the stage in Croatia the look in their eyes said they were going to do more of these shows...
    4 points
  6. The JJFP.com crew with our golden tickets, waiting to get in. In front of the stage. Will and Jeff and the mayor of Blackpool Me and JJFP The best selfie ever taken. The greatest hug ever! Will killing it
    4 points
  7. Greatest show I have ever been to! It was just amazing seeing them live. I've been a fan for almost 20 years and it was a dream come true. Great setlist, great effects and visuals. Loved every second of it. Boom! was such a great opener. And Brand New Funk and I Wanna Rock were my favorites! The new song is dope, something for the clubs. Hoping this will give us more music... (an album maybe?!)
    4 points
  8. This is kind of a weird thing to make you tap out on an artist you've like for a long time. Did you have the same problems with "The Rain"? Let an artist express themselves. You don't have to rock with every facet of their art.
    3 points
  9. the Song and Video are amazing. I can not wait for this album
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Just came back from the theater. Great action and really funny. It has some great surprises and some cool cameos.
    3 points
  12. Just come out of the film. Loved it. Better than the last film for sure and for the most part I enjoyed that. Martin and Will with the great chemistry as always.
    3 points
  13. Wills Instagram post is great. Using comedy to test the water. Glad to see 99% positive comments, fans telling him they love him and come back. Great to see. Hopefully he feels comfortable easing back into the public eye now.
    3 points
  14. Honestly, as much as i hate the situation, the memes are pretty funny. But yeah, the media need to take it easy now, they are interviewing every celebrity about it to try and get another headline. I'm disappointed in some celebrity takes on it. Amy schumer said it was really upsetting to see Will slap Chris Rock, then ive seen another story saying one of her jokes about the Alec Baldwin shooting accident wasn't allowed. Why does she think a joke about someone getting killed can be ok? Anyway, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Will made a mistake, we all make mistakes, let it go.
    3 points
  15. I agree with a lot of opinions here. I don't think Will is doing good mentally. It was like a bi-polar moment for him. He's seen laughing at the joke to then slapping Chris and shouting at him. Next he gets the win and then cries and says something that he's a "vessel of love" and "love makes you do crazy things". Dude - you just slapped the host of the show because Jada wasn't having it. Listen, I get defending your wife but that was such an instant response to Jada. It was uncalled for. The joke wasn't even that bad. It's comedy. So now if we go to comedy shows and don't like a joke we can slap the comedian? It's bizarre. I get that it's an isolated incident but I think it was trigger by some deep wounds and toxicity in his life. He needs some help and healing. I haven't read the book but it seems like their are some deep rooted issues. We're obviously all people on the outside watching but part of me thinks their marriage has run it's course. He was humiliated on the RTT with Jada where she justified her actions in front of the world to make a private matter turn into public display of marriage therapy in which she profited off of it. She had an affair with their son's friend. That's crazy. So because the traditional definition of marriage doesn't apply to their "open marriage" makes what she did okay? And now they're going to have another episode that they're going to profit from from all the views. I could do without the pomp and circumstance. Honestly, I'm just turned off by Will and have been for a few years now. Maybe at his core he's still the guy we all grew up loving from JJFP, FPOBA to the early 2000s but he doesn't have the same appeal to me. He's a business and a brand and the one thing I want from him - he doesn't sell anymore - which is music. I'm not into Will Smith the character, the box office star and hollywood elite. He's just not relatable. I feel the same way about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson too. I dont care and never cared about: his movies his marriage and how open it is his kids his snapchat his instagram his book (well maybe some parts of it) bel-air reboot hollywood life his politics his youtube channel his motivation advice his workout routine selling me products (bel-air merch, JUST water...etc) ...etc Anything with music - count me in.
    3 points
  16. I thought I'd share my experience from a week ago when I finally got the chance to meet Will or at least see him live. I haven't been on the forums here in a long long time, but Will was here in Australia recently and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try to see him in when it was announced that the morning show, Sunrise was going to have an exclusive interview and meet and greet with the man himself. Messaged the boss and told him that I wasn't coming in for that reason and he gave me the all clear. Got on the phone to my best mate and told him what was up and the next morning we were right there at the fence-line waiting for Will to come out. I took with me a couple of things I was hoping to get signed, including a couple of shirts and a custom made FRESH licence plate. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to exchange words with Will or even get a selfie, which some people were fortunate enough to get, however, not all was lost. I managed to get in at the nick of time for Will to sign my licence plate. To say the least I was beside myself with excitement. Definitely a bucket list moment for me and I hope I get the chance again to try for a selfie and chat. I've attached some pics from the day. I know that some of the pics aren't the greatest of quality but in the heat of the moment it was very hard to get a good picture and try to get things signed and get Will's attention :P.
    3 points
  17. DevilsJim89

    Get Lit

    Hey man - I agree with all that you said. I don't mind Get Lit as I do enjoy house and some EDM but he's not giving us what we want. We want BARS! Will needs to actually SPIT BARS. Once that happens, he'll get more attention online. I don't care if he wants to experiment, you have to as an artist. Caution in the WIld could've been so much better if it was a full song and if he didn't repeat the same 4 lines or so in both "verses". The Fiesta remix video was pretty dope - imagine if those visuals were used for a proper rap comeback song. I've been saying it for years that he's super secretive and insecure about his music...but says one thing and then says something else. He drops L+F saying how much he loves music and then never drops another single or album. In the music industry, if you don't have some recent, it's out of sight, out of mind and in Will's case - 12 years?! Completely out of mind. There's a whole generation of people who didn't know he was a rapper before the movies. Another example - back in 2005, he said he was going to do stuff online. Where's the website? He doesn't even have a legit website. How about a soundcloud? He's so out of touch. I don't think he's cared much either about his music career and truth be told - it shows. One more example in 2015 - "Oh yeah Jeff and I are going to do a proper world tour because we've never done it and its going to be in 2016." ....We got 2 shows in 2016. Not exactly a tour. I get he's the biggest movie star on the planet but give me a break - he doesn't have to make movies another day in his life. If you really wanted to do music - you do it. Don't say we're going on tour and then go sign on for another 2 movies....seriously. This is where my frustration sets in. If he wants to be taken seriously again regarding music, he needs to drop bars. Plain and simple. You don't need to sell records anymore - just do it for the love and people will respond.
    3 points
  18. Here are some photos of the JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool! I will write an entire article about the night but I am still processing it. It truly was an amazing concert!
    3 points
  19. Ok if I've done this right, if you play that video, it should go onto the next song when it's finished. I'm missing the 2nd part of Nightmare and the 2nd part of I wanna rock. Other than that, it's pretty much the full concert.
    3 points
  20. OK, so here is my version of what happened yesterday, this may take a while, sorry its so long. So i get to Blackpool at about midday, we were all so paranoid we'd have traffic problems etc, so we all agreed to just get their early. I soon discovered that Blackpool doesn't appear to have internet lol, so i was struggling to get on whatsapp to contact anyone. Me and my best friend Kim head towards Blackpool tower and discover Brakes by a lamppost. Soon Kev and Tim turn up and Kev's mate Tim. We all hung out in a weatherspoons (dodgy pub) just outside the venue, having a drink and catching up. At 3pm we notice a crowd is forming to we get in the queue. We then spot Michelle (fresh princess) and her husband, then soon enough the jjfp.com crew all join us one by one. There were Will Smith t shirts everywhere, mostly fpoba themed but some JJFP ones too. There were also armed guards which is unusual in the UK, and we even heard they had a sniper on the roof. After the attack in Manchester arena, they took no chances. We finally got into the arena at 5pm. We got to the front row and got chatting to some fans who were all really nice while waiting for the support acts. Kev then gets a message from Steve saying those who had met Jeff could go backstage. I felt like a jerk to the others at this point, coz we kinda disappeared, not really knowing what was gonna happen ourselves. We waiting by the side of the golden circle for Steve to appear, in the meantime Neil was stuck outside the arena in a massive queue and was due to come with us backstage. Steve comes out and says hes gonna have a word with security. In the meantime he somehow finds Neil and gets him in. We wait round for a while again and this massive dude comes who looks like hes in charge of security. They took it VERY seriously and had a word with us to basically behave haha. Steve says hes gonna arrange a time for us and will be back in 30 mins. So he takes us backstage to all the trailers and coaches and tells us to wait in the musicians trailer. They tell us to help ourselves to drinks and snacks so we grab some water and energy bars. We hang out in there for maybe 30-45 mins. Jeff quickly pops by and says hey, we met Jeffs wife Lynette who was lovely. She remembered meeting the guys from years ago, i hugged her and said i'd never met her before, but she said she knew who i was. Lynette also said Will and Jeff have definitely got the buzz for more shows after seeing them get off stage after Croatia. We ask Steve about croatia and he said it was amazing. He starts telling us this hilarious story, their hotel was on an Island, so they got to the show on a boat. He says there was this chick in the water just floating there trying to get to Will haha. Tim was like, its Loretta! So Steve gets us and takes us past all the trailers and suddenly there he is, Big Will. He was talking and taking pics with people with professional photographers around. He sees us and comes over, he like "Come and get a photo" so somewhere we have a proper photo of us but i've no idea where we find it. We all say hi to him, the guys do their bro hugs and i say, "Can i just go for the hug". He then gets Brakes phone and takes a selfie of us all. Then the mayor of Blackpool comes over with his people, they start getting photos and make small talk. Will then come back over to us. I can't remember who said what, so you guys may have to correct me. We ask about the croatia show and Will says it was amazing. He then pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts showing us pictures. In my head im just thinking, omg i'm looking at photos on Wills phone. Kev says something like its been a long time coming and Will says "Yeah hasn't it Jeff", Kev then calls Will out and says "Don't be blaming the wait on Jeff" haha. We then all get individual photos with JJFP. He says it was nice meeting us and i get a second hug off him, which my friend Kim captured on camera. He nips off into his trailer, and that's our queue to leave. We get back to the golden circle and find a big space at the back, not as near to the front as we were before, but still super close so we can't complain. The show was incredible. I might get the set list a bit mixed up but Tim has a photo of the order. They start out with Boom, Will pops up, fire is coming from the stage with explosions and the crowd goes wild. It was number 1 in the UK and Will killed it. He then does brand new funk. Now a lot of casual fans won't know this, they especially don't know the video version. So when it comes on, the crowd is a little quieter, but not us. I looks over at Tim, Brakes and Kev, and us 4 are "Yo, let me talk to you, let me have a word with you". Tims cousin was a few rows back and could hear us. He did a few big willie style tracks, Miami, Jiggy, MIB. He then takes us through the story of JJFP, he does Girls Ain't Nothin but trouble and tells the crowd it was their first single, then parents which won the first rap grammy, then threw nightmare on my street in. He then does "Just the two of us", its far from my favorite song but the performance was amazing. He had pics of his kids in the background, mostly of Trey, and was telling the crowd to tell whoever they're with that they love them etc. So then he says he has a new song. I had no idea this was happening, i don't know how we didnt find out. He says he wrote it because there is so much negativity in the world, you need your inner light to shine. Out it comes and its a club banger. It probably won't be my favorite song, but i enjoyed it. I'm ok with some modern music, and it was basically him trying to go with the times. When the beat dropped the crowd went crazy, hopefully inspiring him to release it. I'd definitely like to hear a recorded version of it to appreciate it fully. He does summertime which is obviously amazing and then leaves the stage, they come back on to an encore and does switch with the mix of the fpoba theme. There was 25,000 people singing it back to him. Then as it finishes a massive firework display goes off from the beach on our right (apparently Will paid out £40,000 for it). I waiting so long for this to happen, and it was totally worth the wait, the show was everything you could want it to be and more and the added shock of "Lets get Lit" made it even better. We all went to the chippy to recharge our battery's and caught up on the days events and headed our separate ways. Our social media has gone nuts with our pics and Jeff has responded to all of us, he even shared my photo album on his page today! Yesterday was incredible and i'm so glad i got to share it with you guys from the forum. Tim, your website made all this happen, and Brakes and Kev, we got backstage because of the relationship you formed with Jeffs crew. I hope this does happen again, but if it doesn't, i'm more than satisfied now. My ultimate shadow dream finally came true.
    3 points
  21. if anything he isnt taking his career/life for granted hes actually living it, hes worked for what hes got and should be able to enjoy it gotta respect him for that, hell put something out when he feels its right
    3 points
  22. ''Bulletproof'' is probably my favourite of the new songs so far.
    2 points
  23. Will Smith Says “Creative” Partnership With Alfonso Ribeiro “Totally Transformed My Life”: “Nobody Commits as Hard” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/will-smith-partnership-alfonso-ribeiro-transformed-life-1236077761/
    2 points
  24. I agree. Would've preferred those bits at the end of the video, not in the middle of the song. Nonetheless, love it! Great music video. Suits the song perfectly. Keep them coming, Will!
    2 points
  25. Love all the shots of the paparazzi trying to get a piece of Will! Love the dancing in the video! Just a brilliant concept and execution
    2 points
  26. Man this video is insane! Really dope stuff! Let’s hope it blows up, but even if it doesn’t the real hip hop heads and Will fans are blessed with this!
    2 points
  27. Yes, I'm all for a classic remix. Don't involve the new talent. Legends only.
    2 points
  28. Looks like the they have edited the article, but I promise you that it did say that originally
    2 points
  29. Saw the film last night, I loved it. Funniest film I’ve seen in a while. Normally by the time a movie gets to number 4 they get pretty bad but they’ve still got it. Enjoyed all the cameos too. My friend who likes Will but isn’t as hardcore as us liked it too. The cinema was laughing the whole time.
    2 points
  30. People would loose their **** if a solo deadshot movie was announced right now and oh man I would love to see it.
    2 points
  31. Chris Rock is just an a-hole.
    2 points
  32. Will at the wedding of one of BB4Life directors https://www.instagram.com/p/CguBRK4ImE1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgof49DMu6m/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Great to see him smiling.
    2 points
  33. I’m glad he put this out. I’m looking forward to this being in the past and having things back to normal.
    2 points
  34. Lerkot

    New Music

    Indeed he should make some new music but I prefer if he leaves his weird family out of it and go play with Jeff instead.
    2 points
  35. maybe jjfp should make a song called "mr. nice guy 2022" and have jada sing the hook haha
    2 points
  36. I was actually there. There was so many people - it was insane!
    2 points
  37. Come on, man. Enjoy it. You've got six posts with negativity, life is too beautiful for that. I'll also point out that those artists he has collaborated with in the past were not of his era either, with the exception of Biz or Slick Rick and a handful of others. He's collaborated with people outside his norm throughout his career and I can't complain about this choice and the messege. Let Will be... different. Dope track.
    2 points
  38. I think Will should do his solo,album that he’s doing now and they should do a JJFP album separately where Will just spends a couple of weeks in jeffs studio. They need to make it happen though no more talk.
    2 points
  39. Oh man, this incredibly exciting!
    2 points
  40. Jazzy Julie

    Get Lit

    I felt like this song needs it's own post so we can discuss it, I know there's mixed feelings. Video curtosy of Juan who got the best quality video of it on the net. So obviously my first time hearing it was an odd one, I was still in shock we were about to hear a brand new song live. At first I wasn't sure, it sounded different from his usual stuff. By the end of the song I was jumping up and down. I've since listened to it A LOT. It keeps growing on me and now I love it. I don't mind modern music unlike some some of you guys lol, so I'm bound to like it a bit more. I really hope it gets released, they made a good decision premiering it at this huge event to get the word out. Then if this comes out, does I mean there's a new album due?
    2 points
  41. Julie, reading your post gave me goosebumps...im still recovering from the whole experience, was great seeing you guys again and meeting fans for the first time. The show itself was insane, so emotional and utterly feels like a dream now I am back to my reality of housework and screaming children lol. Can't say I wasn't gutted that I didn't meet them but I am genuinely pleased for those that did as I know it was a dream come true...and I'll keep hoping my time will come. And hey, as my kids aren't babies any more I hope to see some of you at some Jeff gigs if I can make them.
    2 points
  42. Ah man! Can't believe I have only just found this forum! I have been a fan since the early 90''s and have all their albums. I have been lucky enough to meet Jeff in my home town Nottingham when he did a set here. Last night was amazing! I have always wanted to see them live and still can't believe I did it last night!! I look forward to interacting with you all :-) I have some photos and videos from last night and will upload them when I figure out how to :-)
    2 points
  43. Hi everyone! I hope you have all been well and 2016 has started off being a fantastic year for you. We are going to announce all of the spring tour dates tomorrow so I thought I'd touch base with you. If any of you plan on attending the shows and would like to say hi to Jeff or take a photo with him after the show, please be sure to drop me an email and I'll work it out for you. Aside from this tour, Jeff has been playing in the States A LOT and had a wildly successful SXSW. He did an interview with Ebro Darden on Beats1 where he talks about never being worried about being replaced by an ipod. Here's the link in case you want to give it a listen: https://itunes.apple.com/us/post/idsa.1cc98f68-ec92-11e5-9609-3cab93fc3d23 He also remixed Anderson Paak's "Room In Here" which available exclusively on Apple Music. Last month, Jeff flew a bunch of musicians and producers in to start work on a new project. I can't confirm or deny the title of the new project BUT i can tell you we've been using #M3 as the hashtag. :) We have also started working on this year's PLAYLIST Retreat which is super exciting. In case you missed it, this is the short video we made of the retreat we hosted last August. That's pretty much what's been happening in the world of DJ Jazzy Jeff. One last thing ... I know you are all wondering and the answer is YES! Yes, Jeff & Will will be on a stage again in 2016. We have been working tirelessly to try and get a JJFP show on the books so stay tuned!
    2 points
  44. Ale

    JJFP in London for After Earth

    2 points
  45. A fantastic night of music, insight and friendship. See I been doing this site for some 16 odd years, and I've seen many people come and go, but there are a few who stick with us. That don't need a heap of news, or a new Will Smith or Jazzy Jeff album to roll on by. Y'all know who that is, and that's a family. When I've seen Kev, or Brakes or Jim go see Jeff and have an awesome time nothing puts a bigger smile on my face. Over the years though, as I've seen these photos I've thought, wow wouldn't it be great if we saw Jeff together. So when a trip planned 8 months ago, and a rare UK tour coincide in life, you know it's meant to be. We all met up early, around 4:00. It is funny that other people have commented how natural our conversation, back and forth and obvious friendship shines through. Sure we've known each other on this site for years, but this was the first time we'd ever met in real life. My cousin Lawrence, Kev's mate Alan, all got the same vibe. My cousin Alison came along, and she suggested a Japanese restaurant right near the Jazz Cafe for dinner. So we made our way over their about 5:30 and Kev & Alan got to have some food they'd never tried before. Bernie joined us which was great. It was Jeff's tour of Australia in 2006 when we first met, and she'd first met Darnell. It was definitely strange not having Darnell there, Skillz, Darnell & Jeff had been touring together for 8 years, you just never imagined him not being there. He always took good care of the fans on this site and you know he will kill the next project or event he's running. As we had a great dinner-- the food was incredible, we made some unsuccessful attempts to organise the interviews with Cris, Jeff's video guy. Eventually we headed into the Jazz Cafe. When we got there it was 3/4 full, but within half an hour this show was a sellout and they opened up the balcony as the club's small space soon filled out. The vibe was good people, here to have fun with some good music. The opening DJ's played some classic hip hop records, then we were treated to some UK rap legends who performed a few tracks each. Just after 10, Jeff finally took the stage. It really was a great mix of music from Jeff, current rap hits, back to west coast & east coast anthems, reggae records-- there really was no boundaries in this set. Yeah it even included cheesy 80s hits like Toto's Africa, alongside Touch of Jazz gems like Floetry's Floetic, smells like teen spirit, and classic 80s soul jams. Skillz had the crowd jumping as Jeff went from one music classic to the next. For the JJFP fans we got some old school routines, "I Wanna Rock" & "Live at Union Square." The surprise of the night was he's the greatest dancer into Getting Jiggy Wit It. A pretty easy track for Brakes, Kev & I to rap along to. The two hours of music flew by, the crowd left sweating, and they slowly left knowing they'd seen one of the worlds best DJ's and had one hell of a party. After the show we made our way backstage to see Jeff. He hadn't slept in 4 days and was feeling pretty sick but was kind enough to spend a little time chatting. What ensued was a fantastic conversation. See in this room we had Kev, Brakes & myself, our combined knowledge of all things JJFP clicked into gear. Jeff was able to shed some light on many things we'd never known, and the conversation that flowed like THE DJ, was magnificent. For instance when Jeff first saw his son Amir jump in the booth and spit some amazing rhymes, Jeff was forced to look away so his son couldn't see the tears flowing from the amazingly proud father. Or that on the back of 4 months work in the studio on Willennium, how the rap duo was all set to do a world tour before the movie business and Ali, quickly took priority. Little tid bits of information flowed out that filled in the gaps of an amazing career, and gave these longtime fans some amazing knowledge. We were all lucky to be there. As 20 minutes flew by as if it was 20 seconds, we were told Jeff's car was ready, and the club was ready to close. Kev, Brakes & I headed downstairs to complete our interviews for Cris. Cris had the cameras set up, while DJ Spinone asked us some questions. Interesting questions, like how does Jeff inspire you, or what is so unique about you being a fan. I think we had some good answers so it will be interesting to see how the video turns out. I think it shows the positive effect Jeff & Will's music had on our lives, and we make good cases for going out to see a Jazzy Jeff show. And that was it. As we hustled out of the club into the nightime drizzle, the time closer to 2am, the trains now closed and few options for Brakes to get back home we all knew we'd had a great night. A great experience, that was a long time coming. Brakes, Kev, I know we are gonna be friends for life. What a great way to hang out and finally see Jeff after all these years. It was all meant to be.
    2 points
  46. I dont think ive got enough to do today, i might pop by a Justin Beiber forum and talk about how much a dislike him.
    2 points
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