Okay I got the album so my thoughts,
Opening track is very good. Perfect intro to the album with Will playing the haters after the slap where he got cancelled and Jeff defending him. Makes perfect sense that Wills potna of 40 years steps in here,
Its hard to judge the album when it’s only 36 minutes and we’ve already heard 80% of it but it’s nice to hear it as a whole and a singular piece of work.
You can tell this album Will was getting out of the hell of post Oscar slap and I love that Will used music to get out of that situation.
there is a lot of cursing on the album which is definitely very different and there isn’t much rapping. And all the rapping is in a new rap style.
I know I’d prefer a hip hop album and something more old school and fun but it is what it is.
i do think it’s a good album. My fav tracks are You looking for me, Bulletproof, Tantrum and You Can Make It.
when you listen to the album Tantrum really stands out as a hard hitting rap track.
I think First Love is the weakest track and could have been left off.
I’m interested in everyone else’s thoughts.
Also interested in the second album in the series I presume it’s going to be about 35 minutes like this one.