Its a great feeling! When everyone met up in London it was great. I just wish I could have been there.. I wanna hang out with the UK folks and AJ, schnazz, cookies etc after all these years. Good people! :thumbsup:
Typical bush rhetoric from one of bush's writers I thought.. the whole attack our enemies yadda yadda stuff I find sickening.. It s the kind of attitude that will get us into world war 3.. If something happened to McCain and Palin became president I'd be very very worried.
He just helped him out cleaning up the rhyming.. you can clearly see his work on interlude "peeped through the peep hole peeped him and all his people" is just classic common
I'm against abortion as well but I don't think making it illegal solves anything. Certainly hasn't solved the drug problem. There needs to be a greater respect for human life and greater acceptance of responsibility. I'm not American so my reasons for wanting Obama to win 1.The world will be a safer place. Bush's foreign policy has been a disaster 2. I believe the democrats are more likely to get the american economy back on track. When the US economy falters it effects us right here.
I like McCain but he has clearly sold out to the conversatives in the republican party lately. He should of chose liberman as VP. Palin was a horrible choice.
I saw Obama is on O'reilly this thursday.. should be interesting viewing :1-say-yes:
I think Mccain rushed his choice for VP.. he wanted lieberman but conservatives wouldnt let him because of his position on abortion. The mccain campaign then didn't properly vet palin.
Bob why not vote for someone on just one issue?
Also I still think banning or making abortion illegal does not solve the root cause of the problem...
Vulture's wisdom is a great record but its really for the hardcore hip hop fan like op says.. I'd say unless you are a souls of mischief fan you probably won't like it.. he does get sidetracked a little in tracks goin on abt hoes etc but the skills are nuts..4-5-6 syllable rhyming schemes..heres my fav cut off the album: