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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. atleast when he suicides he doesnt give you 16 frags like you did with me bwahahaha
  2. he doesn't foresee recording in the near future.. see he's already softened his "official stance"
  3. mystros good! hes always out here in oz..good live
  4. has all the elements.. got no idea what its abt from the trailer though
  5. you still havent answered that post hahahahahaha
  6. I love how you never replied to this... cause you couldnt hahahaha
  7. and I notice you fail to mention suiciding on me and giving me 13 kills mannn that was a masterful strategy..really paid off for you
  8. If you havent noticed I am now 3rd in the game due to your wonderful strategy..... now julie is online you are 17 levels ahead of her..instead of letting her get ahead and get experiencing and sum kills you take them all and leave her to suicide on schnazz yeah great strategy dumbo.. you make george bush look smart
  9. hey the strategy works for you maxfly..you get way out in front and leave the rest in the dust..and allow us to pass your guildmates.. I just cant believe they are dumb enough to go along with it... how much experience did you get from killing julie? how does julie benefit from getting killed and then never having any1 alive to attack.. if you want to join a real team.. join us.. you might as well rename the magnificent team maxfly because its all abt him and nothing else
  10. it makes sense to kill members of your own guild? only if you are maxfly.. wow is he using mind control or something haha hilarious
  11. podcast on monday if any1 can make it
  12. wow maxflys now killing his own guild members.. I told you you could never trust him... MaxFly -0 -181 Jazzy Julie -159 -0 1h 6m Frag (0)
  13. ooohh maxflys dead again..... things aint goin 2 well for ya are they buddy
  14. Hey Maxfly great effort attacking me.. you can do that anytime since you are gonna suicide and donate 15 kills to me
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