A team would rise the levels together and equally..maxfly is some 20 levels above some of your members.. I can see whats happening the members of "the magnificent" are just scared of Maxfly..like little girls..hoping he will protect them..so they can attack people below thier level..atleast me and schnazz have balls and are prepared to attack those above us like maxfly even if it means a few suicides.. the members of the magnificent are playing the weakest game i've seen in a long time.. maxfly is now 14 levels past your second in command..14!
Maxfly has made the most attacks out of anyone.. 258.. and yet he is not even in the top 10 ppl who have been attacked with less than 40 attacks against him..that is ludicrous.. Everyone should be attacking him.. I am now putting a bounty on Maxflys head.. Anyone who attacks and kills maxfly I will give 500 gil to and upgrade your stats.. also to the people on the lower levels if you attack maxfly and suicide I will revive you just send me a pm .. This is the only way to stop him from winning the game..and anyone who lets it happen shame on you because the game will be over just as its begun.. So I repeat there is now a bounty on maxflys head.. kill him and I will reward you handsomely