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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. great quote... does Will have any more music left in him.. he has released 9 albums 150 odd tracks.. I can live without no more will smith solo albums..i just want 1 more jjfp album..i still hold on to that glimmer of hope
  2. I know how much he loves his music though..so its always a shock to hear him just say hes not doing any music at all.. he has a studio in his trailer.. a studio in his house.. he always likes to write.. maybe we will find out more about his mindset in the next few interviews..
  3. I still think Will can do a few movies a year.. then take a few months off and do an album.. why does it have to be one or the other?
  4. this is an interview ashley posted in the movie forum.. I thought i'd start a new topic here so we dont go on about music in the movie forum... Heres the problem I have with this answer.. Is Will really the greatest actor in the world? If he was a brilliant actor I could let go of the whole muisc thing.. I really don't see him choosing roles that can show his real ability.. in all his dramatic roles he has simply become the character he is playing..that is not the work of a brilliant actor.. The other thing that annoys me..how can Will go from one extreme to another.. In 2005 he is telling us he has found himself as a rapper.. then 2 years later he spends no time on music? What is the deal Will? :susel[1]:
  5. Hitting his stride as an actor huh? hmmmm :look:
  6. Its times like this I wished I lived in the UK
  7. when does kel arrive in the UK kev?
  8. just on 60 minutes..if wills interview airs december 9..cbs has a football double header that day.. so instead of airing at 7 it will prob start about 30 mins late
  9. That would be a great opportunity Kev. Hope it works out for you.
  10. Hopefully I'll be able to record most of them. I'm also waiting for the dates of the Leno, Letterman and Today Show appearances. I'm not sure if he's doing Regis and Kelly this time around. There will be no leno & letterman appearances because of the writers strike..those shows are now in repeats... the 60 minutes interview should be on december 9
  11. Will isn't a scientologist.. :paperbag:
  12. I think they recorded this album in like 1996?
  13. I care about willsmith.com because its Will's official site..it should be a lot better than that..
  14. and I quote... http://www.willsmith.com/message/thread.cf...e=2&tpage=1 Wow heaven forbid you would actually have to do work on willsmith.com, work that you are PAID for.. So you can post anything on a will smith message board and its not spam.. Will Smith is the biggest movie star in the world, he has sold 30 million albums and has a successful sitcom still in syndication. He has millions of fans. Yet his official web site is a disgrace. Many of the problems with the willsmith.com message board could be solved quickly..but not with that attitude. How about an off topic forum? How about actual moderators which can delete the offensive material constantly posted on the site? The rubbish thats posted on that message board that according to wsstaff is not "spamming" is beyond a joke. I feel sorry for all the fans that go to Will's site.. Not that many people are gonna find this site..its not rated highly in google.. Yet the people in charge of will smith's site don't even see the endless flooding of nonsense on that board as a problem? Pathetic.
  15. 10 mins from now we podcast!
  16. please turn up people we got so much to talk about!
  17. my votes.. tennessee/poison/no diggity/unbelievable/jump around/911 is a joke/crazy/whatta man/cannonball/jiggy
  18. the compilation album was a japan release though wasn't it? it may have been on a version of and in this corner also
  19. Kel is the man! He is making big moves in the UK! and hes linked this post on his bulletin so be on your best behavior :muahaha:
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