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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. Gary has a naturally high pitched voice..thats why he was chosen to pretend to be my wife and go over to your camp and become your mistress.. Guess it worked.. Maybe you should have checked his "armory" before you tried to conquer him...
  2. So what you are pretending to be Gary now.. Didn't realise you had such a high pitched voice, but that would explain a lot. Seem to be overcompensating with your army size for other........ shortcomings
  3. Please Gary has reported back to me that you treat your prisoners worse than abu ghraib.. the fact that you forced him to wear makeup and lipstick once you discovered his true identity only hints at your delusional mental state. Creating fantasies in your head involving me and Gary must help you forget the hundreds of your own army that you have sent on suicide missions.
  4. So you thought it was my wife.. Gary did his job then :sipread:
  5. How do you take care of your soldiers when you dont even give them basic training and then send them into be slaughtered.. they fight like a headless chick..and then end up like one..
  6. Let the slaughtering of Maxflys army begin... Your troops inflict 749836 damage on the enemy! The enemy sustains 27 casualties! MaxFly forces attack and inflict 675919 damage on your army! You defeated the enemy!
  7. Spread this link.. post it on other rap forums etc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNYAjpHhfk0
  8. The Return..easily..for me :1-say-yes:
  9. yeah spearhead concert..good times :3-laugh3: :thumbsup:
  10. awesome ant..4 player races are a lot of fun
  11. This album came out in 1998.. It was interesting souls of mischief and casual got dropped from Jive and Del just got dropped from Elektra.. they used the money they got from selling tapes on the internet to put the album out themselves..back then independent hip-hop wasnt a big thing.. when it came out the source and vibe etc gave it bad reviews like 2 and a half stars..ridiculous.. it went on to sell 200, 000 independently.. hieroglyphics are all seperate groups and this was the first album where they all came together.
  12. i'll do go see the doctor 2k7
  13. this is the album i'm always going on about.. hieroglyphics - third eye vision.. it may be my fav album of all time.. everyone check it out..you can download it here.. if you like it make sure you buy the album.. because hiero relies on that to surive as a label.. this is hip hop at its purest form.. dope beats dope rhymes.. no fake gangsta stuff or rapping abt cars n clothes.. str8 up hip hop! http://rapidshare.com/files/29683169/H-3EV-1998.rar
  14. :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3:
  15. :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: great minds think alike :4-only1ha:
  16. Kev where you at? I just humiliated schnazz in a game of mario kart..apparently he thinks driving into green shells right before the finish line is a good strategy haha my mario kart friend code 249196016665 schnazz's : 442481624936
  17. me schnazz n bart are in there
  18. chat room now.. by the way the "# of users in the chat" isnt working..so even tho it says theres no1 there come on in!
  19. what the hell is this crap.. a ****e website loaded with advertisements..but thats not all.. they've stolen all the lyrics from this site..check the so fresh lyrics for proof.. :shakehead: :thumbdown:
  20. I love your strategy..get as many soldiers as you can so we can steal all your money..keep it up!
  21. I'm sure he'll come back around..during bad boys he said he'd never record again...
  22. haha check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7utCMrIrcYs :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3:
  23. All of Us is no longer.. CW cancelled it today..
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