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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. Congratulations man! :wickedwisdom: :wickedwisdom: Where's the photos?
  2. Good..please atleast 1 person show up.. Its a great time to do a enw one considering TROTMs success on iTunes and the podcasts listing there
  3. podcast tomorrow.. The Return of The Magnificent Discussion Rumours of a new JJFP album world tour Pursuit of Happyness: reactions, favorite scenes, acting, sales numbers, awards Moving Image Award for Will Upcoming Movies: Rumors about Bad Boys 3, Tonight He Comes, I am Legend and others
  4. you dont understand what you have to do to get the arcade to work.. you have to go through and download forum files..and search through all this code and then change it.. then you gotta go to all the skins and insert all this extra code..it literally takes hours to install.. just dont have the time at the moment :sorry:
  5. word of mouth on the quality of the album is also working..the customer reviews on itunes are amazing.. currently #17 on UK aalbum charts.. #45 on US album charts
  6. I think i'll change that so its a bit more fair.. you agree?
  7. Wow how did you get to 21! Have a great day! :thumbsup:
  8. #21 on UK Album charts!! :jazzy: :jazzy: :jazzy: :jazzy:
  9. http://www.villagevoice.com/blogs/statusai...azzy_jeff_a.php
  10. haha anyway when I saw Jeff a few years ago they played brand new funk beforehand..and the track sounds awesome in a club!! the bass is crazy :wickedwisdom:
  11. TriAgency design the site :wiggle:
  12. check out the new look http://www.djjazzyjeff.com what do you think?
  13. Now #56 on US album charts still #1 hip-hop album #35 UK album charts... #50 US #30 UK
  14. Your the one who sent them on a suicide mission :4-only1ha:
  15. They aren't mind they got em over at okayplayer
  16. I was reading this pretty funny article about Will playing golf with Bill Murray http://people.monstersandcritics.com/news/...miths_bee_shock Wouldn't it be awesome if they did a movie together? Drama or comedy I'd love to see that
  17. I love spidey..but can't stand the Spiderman movies :sipread:
  18. This track is just incredible.. It's one of those songs where the more you listen to it..the more you like it.. I can't stop listening to it :bowdown: So smooth.. Raheems vocals are pure butta :davidblaine:
  19. Nice timing Maxfly, guess I should check who's online.. :damnyou:
  20. emotional music :paperbag:
  21. I think he can do either..but he is a natural for comedy and I'm sure that's easier for him to do
  22. Now #56 on US album charts still #1 hip-hop album #35 UK album charts...
  23. I'm not sure it has a lead single..radio seem to be playing jeff n fess brand new funk or my soul is not 4 sale
  24. They say its lonely at the top but my stacks of gold is quite a companion :kool:
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