Philaflava: For the past few years you've been touring with Jazzy Jeff as his hypeman. How did that connection happen?
Skillz: I’m not his hypeman, I’m a partner. We combine to rock a party. He does his thing on the 1’s and 2’s and I do my thing on the mic. I studied him. I take it all very seriously. Jeff had said that as far as chemistry goes, me and him are the closest thing to him and Will. I appreciate that, cuz he’s been out with other cats before me. I perform songs during the set and we keep it rocking. He is hands down the best DJ I’ve ever seen play. He never misses a beat.
Philaflava: Supposedly you had the idea to remake an old DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince song, but Jeff used your idea and ran with Peedi instead. Do you think the reason he did that was because he rather had a Philly native represent the track?
Skillz: Not really, if any artist had a pass it was me cuz we work so closely together. The song with him and Peedie is crazy.
Philaflava: Are you going to be featured on Jeff's new LP?
Skillz: I recorded a song for it, but not sure if its going on the album or not.
Philaflava: Will Smith responded to Em’s diss years ago but we all know Will didn't write those rhymes. You have stated in the past you wrote for him, so my question is were his words towards Eminem from your pen?
Skillz: Nope! He wrote those Em rebuttals himself. When I came to the studio that song was done.