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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. Philaflava: For the past few years you've been touring with Jazzy Jeff as his hypeman. How did that connection happen? Skillz: I’m not his hypeman, I’m a partner. We combine to rock a party. He does his thing on the 1’s and 2’s and I do my thing on the mic. I studied him. I take it all very seriously. Jeff had said that as far as chemistry goes, me and him are the closest thing to him and Will. I appreciate that, cuz he’s been out with other cats before me. I perform songs during the set and we keep it rocking. He is hands down the best DJ I’ve ever seen play. He never misses a beat. Philaflava: Supposedly you had the idea to remake an old DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince song, but Jeff used your idea and ran with Peedi instead. Do you think the reason he did that was because he rather had a Philly native represent the track? Skillz: Not really, if any artist had a pass it was me cuz we work so closely together. The song with him and Peedie is crazy. Philaflava: Are you going to be featured on Jeff's new LP? Skillz: I recorded a song for it, but not sure if its going on the album or not. Philaflava: Will Smith responded to Em’s diss years ago but we all know Will didn't write those rhymes. You have stated in the past you wrote for him, so my question is were his words towards Eminem from your pen? Skillz: Nope! He wrote those Em rebuttals himself. When I came to the studio that song was done. http://www.philaflava.com/skillz.htm
  2. Its a skit my friend.. they are just playing on that whole idea :sipread: ahh ok..but im sure something similar sometimes happen :shrug: ...and if they had time to do that skit, why not a song Wills vocals wouldnt sound 2 good if he was rapping from the phone.. anyone else think the intro was real? I do believe you would probably have to talk to about 3 receptionists before you got to Will :lolsign: :lolsign:
  3. Its a skit my friend.. they are just playing on that whole idea :sipread:
  4. I love this line... "DJ JAZZY JEFF & THE FRESH PRINCE BEFORE THERE WAS WILL SMITH" "Hold on, please" :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3:
  5. this is gonna get 100, 000 views :paparazziupinthespot: :paparazziupinthespot: :paparazziupinthespot:
  6. this would have been done in the last month or so too..because Will is talking about pursuit and being on the set of I Am Legend
  7. mann I hope this is on the album..classic!! :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/audio/jazzyjeffskit.mp3 The Return of The Magnifficent 8th of May
  8. "you know what they say about men with big cups"
  9. yeah thats what I was trying to think of.. maybe I could do a flash video
  10. Yeah Aj.. I was reading an interview with the guy who started babygrande records.. they said have you had any disappointments.. he said the brand nubian album :damnyou: he said he can no longer put an album out by an artist who hasnt released anything in a few years and expect people to buy it.. he said he should have had guest stars from todays youngest stars..and he should have got some of the hot producers..thats what he'd do now..that is so sad. Brand nubian put out a great hip-hop album, it had no guest stars, no "hot producers" it was just classic hip-hop... AND NO ONE BOUGHT IT :bat: Because of that the head of the record label said he's not gonna take a chance on artists like that anymore.. I've kind of become disullisioned with whats popular these days.. no one seems to buy anything I like..and the young kids wouldn't know good hip hop if it slapped em across the face.. Sigh.. thats the way it is I guess..<crawls away and goes back to listening to my hip hop records from 93>
  11. first thing I thought of was an ear joke :1-say-yes: :3-laugh3:
  12. Mar 23 2007 1:00P Bloc Weekend Hemsby, London, UK Mar 24 2007 11:00P Le Zoo Geneva, Switzerland Mar 30 2007 10:30P Destillery Leipzig, Germany Mar 31 2007 8:00P Link Bologna, Italy bumpin this up for Coz
  13. I was thinkin of making a video for youtube..for all i know with CL
  14. it wouldn't have anything to do with the rubbish that the record labels are putting out there would it :paperbag:
  15. Jeff's done it again..this album is incredible! http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/audio/jeffkardinal.mp3
  16. radio could play it.. I dont even care how popular TROTM gets.. its the best jj/fp album since code red..so im just gonna enjoy it
  17. haha me 2 :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3:
  18. UK Tour Dates: 8th April - Newcastle 10th April - Cambridge 15th April - Glasgow 16th April – London 17th April – London 20th April - Sheffield
  19. I think the song is garbage.. the concept is great the execution is awful.. sloppy rhymes..awful beat and the chorus is weak.. i'll take mama said knock you out goin back to cali around the way girl father over this stuff anyday.. its like LL has lowered himself down to the level of rubbish that is out right now just to sell some records :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  20. Yeah I really like it.. :wickedwisdom: TROTM May 8th
  21. well they are saying some tracks were great and others were filler basically they give it 3 out of 4 stars
  22. well those friends he helped out are still with him! J.L. omar bam etc
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