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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. is there gonna be a donkey kong game for DS?
  2. Shirts should be shipping July 14 :gettinjiggywitit:
  3. all the remixes people did are up http://www.goldmic.com/contest/hiero-remix.cfm
  4. http://www.skype.com download the latest version.. have you got a headset? if not plug in your headphones..just makes sure we dont get an echo.. i'll post the rundown shortly.. Dave you tell me when you can do a podcast and we'll do 1 just for you!
  5. hey dont put this track up..you can easily buy it :damnyou:
  6. It was a good movie..they did a good job :2thumbs:
  7. what are you smoking? I'm all for positive comments but he tries to tie the best of album into other stuff which just makes no sense..
  8. Dave! are you back in boston? Can we get you on a podcast!
  9. random stuff ive written over the last few months... ------------------ each verse is like a snapshot of my mind capturing my thoughts at that exact time when i look back on the words its uhh - picture an opportunity for insight into myself which makes this experience richer ------------- im not preachin to the choir im reachin for a higher level trying to inspire to get you out of the miar out of diar straits applyin these traits ---------- **** a baby mama i want a ****ing wife these days no value for human life and we wondering why we live in a world thats full of strife --------- so poor at the ATM would you like a bank balance? hell no! I know putting this money back is my next challenge never wanna see a receipt when you know you got no money till the end of the week -------- ppl on the grind for the money im on the grind for true happiness the point that rappers always seem to miss cars cash and status does not buy you bliss ------ all this division leads to killin we all the same being here for livin people trippin racism hurts me to the very core at the shops, "is he adopted?" from the age of four ---------- conflict, brought about by the wrong **** its a long list, humanities violence is toxic **** could make you choke and vomit the history of the world littired with swastic- ass, genocide & war look at todays society, we clearly askin 4 more why dont we seem to understand we are all the same on the one land the world is bigger than the individual its bigger than your town your city creed religion your sex your division your left with a decision imposed upon by society explains why everyones lookin at me ------- time is your greatest companian in that next adventure structure plus creativity unlocks the key to enter into calmness and enlightenment, that propels the centred individual free of residuals reach spiritual bliss when the pain has ended ------ dont let the evil bring you down ive found its better to tune into the real sound life playing light shining brightly the underground sings roots uplift the coursest of surroundings ------ im as peaceful as the ocean as deep as the mind complexity of the soul seek and you shall find --------
  10. this was a little freestyle i wrote after listenin to partners in rhyme a lot 1 day... ------ brakes & ace weren't lying real hip-hop is truely dying its worse than a heart murmur or a brain tumor just turn on the radio dial its radio vile they stopped the real hip hoppers the artform has flatlined, needs more than a doctor to shock ya, glorify gang violence and murder absurd! preferred I never heard ya we need to take this further and learn the true meaning of the words that we speak listen to the latest rap album release we murderin peace turn the other cheek and our purpose has ceased
  11. This was an idea I had.. I was gonna write a blog novel.. like write a page each day, but it never happened. Heres the start of it though. ------------------------------ It was silent. Not silent where you could hear birds chirping or cars driving off in the distance or the leaves rusling and wind blowing. It was so silent you could only hear the sound of your own thoughts rushing through your mind. There was plenty of thoughts that night. He felt the tarmac under his feet as he began walking up a gradual slope of this familiar road. This used to be a dirt road full or rocks and dust that would blow down from the hill covering everything in his path. That was many years ago, when things seemed a little more simple. They probably wern't but they sure seemed a lot simpler tonight. "Actions speak louder than words," his mother used to bellow, dishing out a familiar piece of advice for the young man. Well they had spoke loudly just a few hours earlier. His pace quickened. It was an eery night and the sound of the foot hitting cement grew louder. Not long to go. He stared up at the moon as he climbed the hill. The moon was a strange blueish hue, something he'd never seen berfore. The way the clouds had aligned formed a remarkable skyline. He stopped walking. It was no longer silent. Screams and cries rang out, but there was no fighting the inevitable conclusion. He stared at that blue moon. He'd never seen anything like it. He stretched his arms back to try and grab his attacker. His arms were locked, shoulders pushed down hard towards the ground and his head flew back. As his head hit the asphalt a sound rang out. A crack. A sickening crack. Like when a coconout is cracked open. This was no coconout it was a persons head. In his final moments thoughts raced through his mind. He wished he'd never had to get involved. He'd wished his brother had never got sucked in. He wished he'd never crossed that line. The line he'd been treading all his life. He wished they'd never built that road. The attacker fled into the night. Silence again.
  12. jeffs doin a house set at Tank in Sydney on the 22nd also
  13. I updated my page layout for any1 who cares
  14. Yeah I can do sunday.. can we make it sunday morning/afternoon tho? saves me from getting up early
  15. probably got caught up on all the women on his myspace :kekeke:
  16. more for security with me.. also firefox stops me from running any files and gives me warnings.. IE doesnt do that unless u have to set it up i guess..since ive used firefox i havent got any viruses!
  17. new version of skype just came out.. download it now http://www.skype.com
  18. why doesn't that surprise me :nhawong:
  19. grow Julie grow! :kekeke: Yeah its better to err on the side of bigger..cause you can always shrink them down in the dryer...
  20. Hero1


    I doubt they'd put that on television if the guy seriously injured himself!!
  21. You set the time Kev.. and i'll make sure I make it.
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