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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. You do realise it was me, maxfly and chief keeping you alive the entire time you were with TDH.. I see Schnazz has taken credit for that, which is just like him...
  2. yeah thats often the case...
  3. you need to change guilds jules..we actually revive our fellow members..
  4. yeah I was listening to for da love of da game last night.. :bowdown:
  5. I'm not sure they "rejected" those guys..half of them left.. they've had so many problems with this movie..especially with casting.. I'm happy its finally being made.. let's hope its not another spiderman clone and it stays true to Superman.. :yeah:
  6. :lolsign: :lolsign: Theres always that 1 track from these gangsta rappers that goes against their entire catalogue..trying to be positive..but it just doesn't ring true when on the other hand you are talking about killing people..
  7. get back to work chief :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:
  8. haha you would have hoped he'd join us :lolsign:
  9. Demien - Amanda Blue Will Smith - Ms Holy Roller Fatlip - Dreams
  10. maybe I'll try and revive this idea... :hmm:
  11. umm Wes I don't think you are in on the joke.. All that stuff in the "first jjfp guild post" is just joking... After a day of two of TDH completely annihalating joes chosen ones schnazz was saying how it was getting pretty boring having no competition, and we'd get pretty sick of the game at this rate.. So me max and chief started the vigilantes to make things a little more interesting.. No one is seriously annoyed or mad at each other its all just a bit of fun and games, I'm sure Schnazz is laughing just as much as I am at the stuff we are saying to each other... This whole thing was all our idea..just a bit of role playing :lolsign: :lolsign:
  12. thats a kool avatar ashley.. :paparazziupinthespot: yeah fingers crossed Big Will wins a music award for a change :wiggle:
  13. 136 kills... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 28 kills.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: yeah thats how i feel. but its alright 26 kills... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  14. well Schnazz and Willreign and Luigie attacked me every 90 minutes while I was away.. when I'm online they never attack me :word:
  15. if you're in an opposing guild expect to be dead..
  16. I think you are doin a great job too man.. you're english has come a long way.. great job! :bowdown:
  17. well I know a lot of that stuff and I'm only 25 :pony: snap bracelets! haha classic :rofl:
  18. if someone is caught they cant attack for 7 days :word:
  19. if this is spamming I completely object
  20. okay then.. you can only attack people who are playing the game.. and you can attack them when they are not online :2thumbs:
  21. well its my forum so I feel an obligation to reply to every post :kekeke:
  22. I didnt see the vigilantes bragging.. lerkot and schnazz killing all those innocent people has seriously gone to your head.. the update to this mod is really gonna sort out who the real good players are... :word: I saw we impose 2 new rules... 1. You can only attack users who are online 2. You can't attack people who havent even posted If its just gonna be about who has the most time to get their 10 kills every 90 minutes..its obvious schnazz and lerkot will be on level 120 by the end of the week :kekeke:
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