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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. hannibal lector walked through the door.. "hmmm delicious" now they had a dilemma..feed wildchild to ol hannibal or sacrifice him in the fire
  2. they decided to begin the ceremony.. kevtastic started dancing with frivolity..but slipped on the whopper sauce..julie and kimmie stole all the cutlery and headed for the backdoor.. prince who was wearin nothing warmed up by the fire..wildchild started screaming for mercy..jim grabbed his hockey stick and began wacking wildchild between the legs with it..da brakes starting pulling red cloth after red cloth from his sleeve.. suddenly daedulus mortality appeared 2 every1 in a vision.. "i disagree with the way you are sacrificing wildchild..its wrong!"
  3. let the ceremony begin! just as they were abough to burn wildchild to a crisp kevtastic walks in wearing nothing but a tutu ...
  4. da brakes started spittin sum fire..and he wasnt ven rapping.. the blaze was lit..all they needed now was a pole and some rope
  5. prince grabbed the sauce that had dripped through the wrapper of whopper and smeared it all over wildchilds body... devilsjim appeared and suggested we offer up wildchild as a human sacrifice
  6. wildchild became furious! he arupted into a furore and begin to attack da brakes viciously who was standing by innocently looking on.. julie got on the phone and called for backup because
  7. what the hell do you think you are doing.. dropping the french fries on the floor like that!
  8. julie screamed: it is what you think! and the french fries hit the floor.. it was as if time moved in slow motion.. suddenly the manager walked in!
  9. wildchild became curious about his strange tasting whopper..so he headed back to the kitchen where he found julie jonny and sum french fies in a compromising position
  10. wildchild had thought the jam was blood..and being the vampire he was ..wanted a taste of it..instead he got a mouthful of jam and kilt (and god knows what else) so he headed to burger king to get rid of the horrible after taste..
  11. i did it just to piss you off :violin:
  12. where had wildchild been sticking his mouth they all wondered
  13. burger king! i'll have a whopper please..extra sauce! little did he know jonny was workin back there and havin a rough day..when he saw wildchild he gave his whopper sumthin extra
  14. snake.. then steve irwin jumped out from the bushs.. "wow thats a bewdy!" he wrangled the old lady to the ground..but wait her wigs fallen off.. thats no old lady thats wildchild.. what the hell are you doing here
  15. when this wrinkled old bag cuts them off on the road.. "im gonna go so solid crew on thier ass!" da brakes yelled.. as only a scouser would..julie started ramming the little ol lady
  16. when da brakes ran up to them.. "help help me.. simone is huntin my ass down" quick jump in the van julie said.. but little did da brakes know this was all part of a devious plot to...
  17. it didnt seem to faze her though..cause kimmie never listens to anyone anyway
  18. kimmie pulled out her trusty harpoon.. and got prince right in the leg... "bow down oh scottish 1..and shimmy to the kimmie" she proclaimed
  19. ahh i dont give a toss every rhyme is now ending in loss
  20. julie agreed yes we must rid all scouser haters from this earth..or at the very least liverpool.. they threw prince in the van and hit the road..but kimmie had to stop..cause the van wasnt glittered up enough to her liking..when on the side of the road they spotted
  21. suddenly an aardvark ran from the forest and began mounting prince... julie shouted to kimmie lets take a photo of this and sell it on ebay..we could fetch...
  22. a fight was brewing when from out of the blue
  23. prince instantly recognized them from...
  24. each person continues the story with their next post.... one day as prince was skiing down a slope wearing nothing but a kilt he spotted something in the distance...
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