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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. here it is courtesy of AJ and [url="http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com"]http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com[/url] Dont Fight The Feeling.. Produced by Hula & K Fingers circa 92/93 [url="http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/dftf.mp3"]http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/dftf.mp3[/url]
  2. what u cant except change? its time to get with it maine i did a whole post on the other board new ubb software i couldnt afford and the old forum was clearly outdated so before you came on here and hated you should have checked my long ass post about how i was moving the site to a new host and i even suggested you give me new forum ideas before that 1 die but i didnt even get 1 reply! so quit your complaining or i'll give you a lyrical caning! lets enjoy the new forums and have some fun and get back to the battles so i can claim spot number one :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  3. hey atleast it will encourage people to post more 2 get out of lil willie status :cheesygrin:
  4. and i'd like everyone here to give it up for my man hax im also gonna be able to improve jazzyjefffreshprince.com heaps with polls..mailing lists..just a whole gang of stuff :peace: :peace: :peace:
  5. if u wanna go ahead and just drop a freestyle do it
  6. yeah he has recorded a gang of tracks though..lets just hope that time is sooner rather than later
  7. couple of things..give me some time to figure everything out...i only just installed it...i can change the colors and everything again give me time...there are a lot of advantages to this board..1. u can actually pm people and u get notified when u receive a pm.. check your profile..theres heaps of features.. this also gives me greater control in terms of moderating the forum..letting who see what etc etc.. the ubb board was really old..and i woulda had to pay extra $$$ to upgrade it...get with the times people :hyper:
  8. if everyone puts their birthday in your profile..it actually notifies you when its somebodys birthday at the bottom of the page..and we have a cool calendar where it lists everybodys birthday
  9. dont forget april 20 jazzy jeffs 1st mix cd is released..you can pre-order it at amazon now.. :peace:
  10. hey if you got any fav smilies let me know and i'll upload em...
  11. okay we got the new forums up.. any1 can view the news forum..but you gotta register to view the rest :peace:
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