Defcem makes a compelling argument..tom cruise has clearly had an influence on will because before they met will wasn't donating money to Scientology..I also don't like will's argument when he defends it.."I can't say it's crazy because I believe Jesus was born from a virgin Mary" see it's not about what you believe it's about hoemw you try and influence people. Will should really go and listen to ms holy roller. Let's be honest here.scientology and tom cruise would be absolutely gunning to make will one of defcem described their whole ethos is to attract powerful people in the world into their organisation.. Do I believe will is a scientologist? No. Do I think the media manipulates and tried to make the most out of this story? Yes. Do I think scientology is having an effect on will? Yes. He clearly has changed lately.. I can't say I really like it.. Just read some of wills in depth interviews lately.. The reason I've been such a fan over the years is that will is still just a regular guy.. I guess u can't be in the positib he's in without it getting to you..
What worries me ? What he's saying, his career path, his own private school, all his children now starting movies, his relationship with tom cruise, donations to scientology, abandoning music.. Does this make me any less of a fan? I don't think so I'm just like a concerned frient loooking on a litle worried...