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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. Your mamas a comedian.. The site ain't called JAZZYJEFFFRESHPRINCE.COM for nuthin...
  2. You seem to be confusing a hate thread with your mama!!! No seriously if you don't think people around here are heavily invested in his music you haven't been here long.. If u want some fans with a mild interest in his movies and no interest in his music try imdb...
  3. Yeah I agree with you guys.. Will needs to have a little fun and there's no better place to do it then in his music.. The fact that he was about to return to the mic and then didn't makes this all a little heartbreaking
  4. Someone needs to tell Jaden that he released Switch only 3 years ago and it was a worldwide smash that went double platinum! Maybe he didn't realise because he was only 7 at the time!
  5. Warner bros has never really given fresh prince the respect it deserves.. There are no special features.. So there's no real reason to buy the DVDs cause the show is replayed on tv so much..the sales haven't been that great.. I've talked to a contact in warner bros and they have no plans to release fpoba in the next year.. It's not looking good.. They wanna release it cheaply or not at all
  6. I can't believe the reason he's not making a new jjfp album is because he is listening to a ten year old.. That is ridiculous!!!!! Also ty couldn't have summer up this situation any better.. I completely agree.
  7. seven pounds had a pretty big christmas day(abt 4 million).. now we're in the holidays it could still make 70-80 million...
  8. Awesome Mix.. I got to hear this! Haven't seen Jeff live in a minute so I'm interested in what hes playing at the moment
  9. Hey if you enter a post titled what did you think of seven pounds you expect to see what the movie is about. This thread is for people who have SEEN the movie.. There's a general seven pounds thread for other stuff
  10. Hey mr k, interesting points... But How can you decide to kill yourself but then be charitable as well.. Wouldn't killing himself also negatively affect his brother??? Would giving someone sight or an organ really change their lives.. Isn't it deeper than that..
  11. Well said defcem, I think people are glossing over what scientology is really about here.. It has been banned in certain CPU tries for a reason
  12. They didn't release this movie in December for the holidays they released it now to try and win an oscar .. In fact they actually did a special deal that to make this movie Sony has to promote will and the movie for an oscar..lobbying ads etc.. The idea is u release it in december because that's right before all the academy members vote
  13. Here's my central problem with this movie...spoilers everybody! You kill seven people.. Now instead of spending your whole life changing peoples live you decide to kill yourself and donate all your organs to them.. I simply can't buy that premise.. It's ludicrous.. Even if I did his motives are never fully explained
  14. Defcem makes a compelling argument..tom cruise has clearly had an influence on will because before they met will wasn't donating money to Scientology..I also don't like will's argument when he defends it.."I can't say it's crazy because I believe Jesus was born from a virgin Mary" see it's not about what you believe it's about hoemw you try and influence people. Will should really go and listen to ms holy roller. Let's be honest here.scientology and tom cruise would be absolutely gunning to make will one of them..as defcem described their whole ethos is to attract powerful people in the world into their organisation.. Do I believe will is a scientologist? No. Do I think the media manipulates and tried to make the most out of this story? Yes. Do I think scientology is having an effect on will? Yes. He clearly has changed lately.. I can't say I really like it.. Just read some of wills in depth interviews lately.. The reason I've been such a fan over the years is that will is still just a regular guy.. I guess u can't be in the positib he's in without it getting to you.. What worries me ? What he's saying, his career path, his own private school, all his children now starting movies, his relationship with tom cruise, donations to scientology, abandoning music.. Does this make me any less of a fan? I don't think so I'm just like a concerned frient loooking on a litle worried...
  15. Of course the movie was a flop..the actuals are in and it only made 14.9 million that's the lowest attended movie of wills in years..studio expectations were for close to 30 million and Sony was expecting another pursuit with 160 million or so.. I am legend made close to 250 million in the us.. This will be lucky to get to 50
  16. Maxfly do you think his image should be tarnished by donating 50,000 to Hollywood scientology centre?
  17. No like I said 5 huge movies coming out over Christmas..Benjamin button will take a lot of seven pounds audience.. I don't see this gettin to 100 mil
  18. I love how everyone is pretending the donations to Scientology aren't real.. These are his tax records!! I doubt he'd be making any incorrect statements with that especially after his problems with the IRS previously.. Now I've defended will on the scientology thing plenty of times before but giving 50,000 to the hollywood centre is not a good use of money.. I can think of plenty of people who need more money than Hollywood scientilogists
  19. Only made 5 million Friday..weekend will be about 17 mil. The movie will open at number 2 after will has had ten str8 movies open at number 1..
  20. I think his tax statements are pretty factual!!!
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