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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Big Willie

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Posts posted by Big Willie

  1. Ok, so I've been listening to this for a while now...

    Feel The Joy and Daddy's Own Self are not only my favourite tracks from you, they rank at the top of my favourite tracks from UK artists. Honestly bro, I'm not just saying this because its you, but I honestly believe ya up there with Twang and them. You got the most vital componant, you get better with time.

    Cant wait for the physical copy.

    P.S: How many compliments is it gonna take to get a Brake Yourself download? :lookaround: LOL :joke:

  2. Ghostt - The F*** Tune

    Dope song. Anniversary is my fave from them though. More wasted UK talent not getting a look in.

    Listening to; Nathan - Do Without My Love

    Anniversary is awesome! Do you know if they released an album? I'd like to get my hands in it!

    I'm not sure if they release an album or not, but there is a YouTube site that has 15 tracks on it, so maybe they are from an album. I've been meaning to download them from YouTube for a while now. When I get around to it, I'll upload a RAR of the tracks.


    They have a MySpace also, but it hasnt been logged into since July last year.


  3. I find it very ironic and sad that people blasting MJ in the past (living color etc.) are now trying to s-ck up to MJ.

    Yes, I'm looking at you Jamie. How does it feel to be a douche ?

    Nonsense. Comedians make fun of celebrities all the time. That doesnt mean they dont respect the person and it definitly doesnt mean they have to live in guilt once the person passes. I'm sure each and every one of us pokes fun at our friends and family, its not ironic if you then attend their funeral when they die, is it?

  4. Down to the nitty gritty. Tough choices.

    I've enjoyed doing this though, I think we should do this kinda vote with other subjects. Like actor/actress or something. I would say do the Greatest Entertainer of All Time, but thats pretty much a no brainer, especially at this moment in time, wouldnt you say?

  5. Can't really put them in order but some of my all time favs are:


    1. The Love You Save

    2. Who's Loving you

    3. The Girl Is Mine

    4. Human Nature

    5. Rock With You

    For me his best ever video was Smooth Criminal


    1. Thriller

    2. Off The Wall

    3. Bad

    I swear bro, our tastes in music is close to identical.

    My only difference would be take out Rock With You and add Heal The World.

  6. Chris Brown has copped a plea in his assault case. He won't do jail time, but he will spend 6 months doing things like road cleanup. He's also been ordered to stay 50 yards clear of Rihanna.

    He'll spend 180 days doing community labor (8 hours a day -- 1440 hours total) -- which is, in effect, hard labor. He'll do his service in Virginia which is where Brown lives. A Virginia law enforcement officer told us Brown will be picking up trash, pulling weeds and washing fire trucks.

    He gets 5 years probation for FELONY assault -- he pled guilty. He'll get supervised probation. He'll have to come back to court every three months.

    He must enroll in a domestic violence counseling program.

    This is interesting ... the judge said if Brown and Rihanna are at the same public events, the 50-yard stay away turns into 10 yards. The stay away order lasts 5 years.

    The judge said she wanted to make sure that Chris Brown "was treated as any other person who comes through this court."

    If Brown violates probation, he could get up to 4 years in prison.

    Rihanna is in the courthouse but never entered the courtroom.

    So Brown is now a convicted felon and loses the right to vote or carry a gun.

    When Brown left the courtroom ... Rihanna walked in the courtroom. The judge explained the deal to her. The judge is telling Rihanna about the protective order.



    Justice? Debatable...

  7. Thats why the lower leagues, like say, the Championship in England, is really when the proper football happens. It really is the place to be, 100%. So al that over payed under achieveing stuff in La Liga and the Premiership, real football happens in teh Championship.

    Am I clutching at straws yet?

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