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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Damian

  1. maxior.pl it's Polish site with mine of many clips in many categoreis, like funny, extreme, funny commersials, musicvideos etc. I choose only few of nice movies, if yoy want to check more movies I'll write something that will help you to don't loose into this unknown area with Polish words:) On the left site you have word "K A T E G O R I E" which it mean "CATEGORIES". We have categories like: Śmieszne Filmy - Funny clips Gry Online - Online games Animacje Flash - Flash Animations Śmieszne Zdjęcia - Funny pictures Filmy Extremalne - Extreme movies Filmy i Animacje 3D - Movie & 3D animation Śmieszne Reklamy - Funny Commercials Teledyski - Videoclips Erotyka - Erotic Inne - others Kamery On-line - webcam Śmieszne MP3 - funny mp3 Sztuka (Art) - Art Trailery - Trailers (probably from movies) Ok I don't know this whole site but for sure I can advice you funny clips, extreme movies (few of them cause some of them aren't good, I mean If you don't like to eat you dinner or something;)), maybe funny commercials or online games (I remember that I played one game when you fight with celebrites like Diddy etc.):). If you want to see the best of the best it's GORĄCE TOP 30 - TOP 30. To watch them, you need: For Games & Flash Animations: Macromedia Flash Macromedia Shockwave Movies: Windows Media Player QuickTime DivX Webcam Java Ok I choose some of them, maybe you like it:) US ARMY in action: "GoGoGoGoGo!" http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=6340&8 Kangaroo in action:) http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=6165&8 Water is very dangerous. http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=5685&8 Being an sportJudge isn't easy http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=5106&8 Idol from France. Trust me some of the Polish Idiots were much better then this:) http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=4635&8 A little terrorist:) http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=4533&8 Unaware (Ilove movies like this one!!!!) http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=4049&8 Don't f*** with granma! http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=3636&8 The worst moments in footbalplayer life. Sad movie. http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=3737&8 No comments:) http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=3699&8 And the winner is! The best movie! Battle of drunkpeople(?). Hillaroius, definetely numero uno! http://www.maxior.pl/?p=index&id=3931&8 There is much more good movies in extrememovies or in teledyski (musicvideos) you can find "Switch" & "Party Starter" video. It's only one limitation. You can watch 30 movies, after that you must be looged in. Im not sure but at the next day you can watch from new account.
  2. :lolsign: By the way, Jada looks really beautifull on that photo.
  3. http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,732297,plotki.html (12 June 2003) Jada don't like when Will & kids stay alone in home, cause Will is allowing kids to eat o lot of chocolate by all the day. Jada is declaiming that Will is a big child & he needs custody of adult people:) "When Will deal with children, he needs someone who could watch him. It is impossible to leave him with kids, cause they will do what they wany & they will eat chotolate cakes." This is the best: "Will need granny when he stayed with kids" <--- :rofl: When I watched I can't allow myself to not write it here. It's so funny, escecially the last sentence. If I act like lorretaboard memeber, say it:)
  4. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A lot ...
  5. :lolsign: I would be willing to sell the story to you :lolsign:
  6. yes I know that, but think how can feel Cuba right know?
  7. hmm Im wondering if he would kiss this guy, will critics would look more favorably at this movie (I mean he took a good interviews I heard), but Will would make more devotions .
  8. Its ok we're only joking with him. Yes I mean I know but it is connected with famous yazzy yeff?
  9. if so it don't mean that you will get another proposals for movie:) yes I had deduced it from Turnable statement:)
  10. You are immersed yourself. People will not give you tranquility:)
  11. http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,998095,plotki.html (23 October 2004) British actor Ian McKellen criticized Will Smith for not tolerant speak. They met in 1993 on the movie set. But now he decided to take a position of some statement of colleague. In the course of photos Will refused to record scene with kissing a man, cause his fans would recognize it as disgusting. Those words McKellen can't forget. "Will probably thought that he is expressing his personal feelings, but really, he has confirmed,t hat he is suffering for serious social disease, which is Homophobia" - said McKellen. McKellen fo a long time does not cover his sexuality.He is dreaming that in Hoolywood people would more respect gay laws, cause he can't stand famous people which are hidding theirs real "face". "In Hoolywod is mass of actors in different ages, which are lieing about theirs sexuality. This is disgusting and worrying." - artist adds.
  12. /Some of you don't feel what Cuba & Chris said. They don't dissing Will, but they can't stand that some of producers only choosing Will cause they want to earn a lot of money. When people see surname Smith on the poster..... bigger audience will come. So it's not about skillz withCuba case. They don't have any chance to act in good movies cause Will is only one black man in Hoolywood. But me & Turntable recapitulationed it, it's all about benjamins/ Did you see video parody of PD song by Weird All Yankowich "It's all about pentiuns"?
  13. I seen on another post that some persons were beefed Lerkot, why?
  14. What gave you Will & Jeff music? This could be good. Maybe subjects like from Lorretaville: What would you say if you meet Will? Talk about Lorreta board:)
  15. dabrakes.com is much better name for site, it's easier to write it.
  16. I don't know about Chris but for sure Cuba have skillz, maybe he is even better then Will (it speak out argumentative for this board, please don't eat me:)). Some of you don't feel what Cuba & Chris said. They don't dissing Will, but they can't stand that some of producers only choosing Will cause they want to earn a lot of money. When people see surname Smith on the poster..... bigger audience will come. So it's not about skillz withCuba case. They don't have any chance to act in good movies cause Will is only one black man in Hoolywood. But me & Turntable recapitulationed it, it's all about benjamins (hey Turnable, first I thought that you mean a Puff Daddy song, cause he did one with that title:)). Comedian actors have really f***up. Comedian actors isn't an anctor, then who he is? In Poland people only conecting Will with comedian roles, so he isn't an actor:( I don't know who, but really famous actor said that he don't like nominating to oscar, cause comedian actors haven't equal chances. http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,1220656,plotki.html Quick translation: Will said that after "Ali" he wanted to act only in seroius movies, He wanted to be an drama actor. But he talked with Mandela. MR Mandela said that when he was 27 years in prison he felt REALLY good if he had an oportunitty to watch a comedy. As an prisoner he had this chance only by 6 months. After that Will noticed that comedy roles are very imortant.
  17. I know it's all about the pentiums.... uh, sorry I mean benjamins. I can't say anything about Ice Cube acting cause I didn't see any of his movies. Maybe he gives Will props cause he saw that Will acting is someting more serious then others. & Will career as actor started almost the same time with hiphop career. I can agree with S.L.J.
  18. Some time ago I could listen songs recorded after somebodys dead, but now if I have a chance to listen it I would not do it.
  19. thanks for corecting & answering!
  20. Laughing My Ass Off oh, so it's somethin more powerfull than LOL (Lots of Laught)?:)
  21. This guy was drunk? :lolsign: Im listening it again & again & it's hilarious! On the end, somebody said something like in Polish: "Fajna ta impreza" which is means "This party is great":)
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