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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Damian

  1. They aren't on the same level with Will? I don't know about Chris I watched maybe one movie with him. But Cuba is a good actor, I like him. It can be seen that he is trying to do a good one in movie. Why he don;t like Ice Cube etc.? "there is many actors which are studying from ages & they did many renunciation to can learn more, but they don't get a chance to act in movie cause there is many artificially created actors (read rappers). " And Samuel said that, why he did a movie with Ice Cube? Maybe he don't have any choice? He said that in 25 July 2002, so it's preety old
  2. oh no, I Had plced it in Caught In the moddle section:( not a Willywood, ehhh,...... what you think about it, people
  3. First of all I want you to know that S. L. Jackson supports Will as an actor. http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,527231,wiadomosci.html Shortly, he said that there is many actors which are studying from ages & they did many renunciation to can learn more, but they don't get a chance to act in movie cause there is many artificially created actors (read rappers). He don't support rappers like Diddy or Ice Cube, only Will! Now back into main topic: http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,527237,wiadomosci.html Black actors still are discriminated (25 July 2002) Chris Rock said: "Situation of black actors has been corrected considerably & we were begin appreciate for our fineness. But it will be better if we would have the same chance as white actors" His dream hasn't been granded. He wanted to play a Spiderman: "I wish I had a chance to being interviewed to this film, but I hadn't. Im dreaming to act Spiderman, but my dreaming probably will never grant. Instead of me, Will S. will be a Spiderman." http://film.onet.pl/O,3129,850089,plotki.html /Hard life of black actor/ (7 January 2004) Cuba Gooding Jr. critized producers which don't give the same chance to act in movies black & white actors. He also affirms that good roles are automatically suggested to Will. "I will never forget when Will Smith resigned from a Tv & he did his first cinema movie. Nobody noticed him, but later he did a "Independance Day", he earned a lot of money & he has become one black man in the show-business. Producers don't think, 'lets give this role a black actor', but they are treating Will like a person which will attract people for cinema. Even today, when Im talking with my agent about topping roles, He says me, that all will get Will".
  4. I didn't notice that, & still I can't where it is, but If you did it that's ok!
  5. I'll try to write other text: "I have got this reall sarcastic thing about, like, you know, profection & working hard, like ....... young, I realized that the person .... works the harders wins, you know it's like, while others guys sleepin, I'm workin, while others guys eatin, I'm workin, you know, the others guys makin love, I mean Im makin love ............" "Love what you do & do what you love" "Reading, the reason that readin is so important. There .... a millions, a billions, a billions, a gasillions of people that had lived before all of us. There is no new problems you can have, with your parents, with school, with the ...... , with anything is no problems you can have, that someone has a result & wrote about it in the book. So the in live is a running & reading." If I made some mistakes, correct me!
  6. Only one.... I joined to this site:) No just jooking:) Maybe you can write something about Will movies?
  7. LOL. If I would have known that, I definately woulda gave u celeb props too. haha... peace, cookie I was 1 time in newspaper & also 1 time I & my friend were having an interview with radio Journalist. Reckons it too? If so, we have many famous people on this board;)
  8. So in past pople were posting much more then nowdays?.... wow
  9. hehe, do you have other years wrap-up lyrics? this guy is a famous rapper, or what?
  10. hey, this site is much better then old one! congratulation:) why you don't picked up Da Brakes - Its all about Da Brakes & Da Brakes - I Don't Wanna Know (Remix) to your cd?
  11. Im listening this track again & again & it's growing up in me! When Will said that? How old he was? CAN SOMEONE WRITE ME LYRICS, PLEASE? (I understand what he is saying about reading, but can't exacly figured out about running:( )!
  12. "Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku" which is mean "Happy new Year"! In 2005 I had a visible for me revolution, for real. When Im looking at younger me I see definetealy other guy, he was boombastic but today me is much much more fantastic;)
  13. Rihjt know Im listening those tracks, & some of them for sure will be burned!:) The best for me are (cause some of others I heard): DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince - Summertime (Live @ MTV Beach House '02) DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince - 08 He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper(Short Version) Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It (Remix)(Feat Big Pun, Cam'ron) Will Smith - Switch (Live @ TRL 2005 ft. Jazzy Jeff) Will Smith - Freestyling over How We Do - this track was recorded on radio projection or what? Will Smith - Holla Back - this tracks is Bron To Reign bonus track or what?:)
  14. I said it earlier. Will acting in this movie is much better then some ohers of his old movies. His faces, gesticulation are on the bigger level etc. It predicts well for his newests movies.
  15. Yes I know, people had identified "Maiami" (I forgot about this song), & maybe "Gettin Jiggy", but I don't know cause there were dancing. Some girls were going on some dance lessons & they danced proffesionalls salsa, rumba or czacza (I don't know) tseps with "La Fiesta" & "I can't Stop":) Im a little bit in bad good cause some people are getting me nervous. When Im play one song some of them liked it but others wanted something else:( grrrrrrr....... Truly, it scants me having fun like in "Save the Last Dance" people had, you know? Look how people are having fun, power of theirs dancing can be feel in the air (yes I know that some of them are really hip hop dancers). ......... ehhhhh
  16. Hey, really fine remix. But I have big request: CAN SOMEONE WRITE ME WHAT EXACLY WILL IS SAYING?" How old Will was when he did that?
  17. I played "Gettin Jiggy With It", "La Fiesta", "I Can't Stop", "I gotta go home", "Will 2K", "Im Comin", people were having fun quite good. But unfortunetully I didn't dancing, cause I feel ill (my throat was in pain when I talked:( ).... eh, but I can play some music:) & people quite like it!
  18. Rockin on the New Year eve party maybe with some Will jam!
  19. The same with me! I see that everybody is preparing for the New year's eve party:)
  20. Yes I watched it with my sister, & she liked it;) No I know what you mean, I like the scenes in the club where people were dancing, I can feel their power. This movie it's something like film with Patrick Swayze but for todays young people:)
  21. Nowdays this track is very popular;) WS - Willenium!
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