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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

fan 4ever

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  • Birthday 02/24/1986

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  1. I love this interview. They talk about Code Red, Willennium and hip hop in general. The interviewer knows what he's talking about. He talks about songs like "The Rain" and "Shadow Dreams". Great stuff!
  2. So we know that there will be three albums (or seasons) as he calls it. One will be released in March this year. The albums will be called Based On A True Story and every season gets a news title: Album 1: Rave in the wasteland Album 2: The Gift of Madness Album 3: no title yet We will get 10 tracks per album. https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/will-smith-talks-based-true-story-album-new-music-1235888222/
  3. Not waiting on a sequel for Hancock at this moment. The first one was okay but doesn't need a sequel.
  4. Will is performing in Belgium at Ronquières Encore on August 5th. https://ronquieresfestival.be/festival/news/articleencore
  5. Great to see him dropping three albums! Wasn't expecting that at all! Looking forward to it. I know we all want Jeff to be involved but let's not forget that Jeff wasn't involved much on his previous albums. He was on BWS, Willennium and Lost & Found but just on a couple of tracks. (Except for Willennium, which was basically a JJFP album). He wasn't on Born To Reign. I bet he will be featured on one or two tracks. He has to be!
  6. Love this track. The beat goes harder than expected. Will's verses are on point.
  7. Love how they are just spitting bars. Great song, love the beat.
  8. Looking forward to this one! Still listen to Joyner's first two albums. Hope this will be fire.
  9. I don't see him doing music with Jeff any time soon. I feel like he's not involved at all.
  10. Never heard of them, but the verse sounds great! Good to see he is still dropping new songs.
  11. It would be great to see them doing another movie together, but I’d rather see him drop an album and do a tour.
  12. Love all the shows he has been doing. Wished he did a full tour with Jeff!
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