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fan 4ever

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Everything posted by fan 4ever

  1. Trailer looks nice!! Could be one of his best movies in a long time. Hope people can forget about the slap and give this movie a chance.
  2. https://movieweb.com/oscars-producer-will-packer-speaks-out-in-support-of-will-smith-im-pulling-for-him/?utm_source=MW-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=MW-FB-P&fbclid=IwAR1H1q91sOLAVEOXaMLuCP_rR0LAVO7dMJKIrbQckQea8q-AQ4hm0YG1WjU Oscars producer speaks out in support of Will.
  3. Chris Rock calls Will Smith “Suge Smith” during comedy show. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/chris-rock-calls-will-smith-suge-knight-comedy-show?d_id=4711159&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=complexmag&fbclid=IwAR080NA3GZUu0vvn8Vs7CHXLys8p1X8zCZ3Djz7xY1PE2LYRYYSE0pi0IOk
  4. You can tell that he is still in a lot of pain. He look hurt. I’m glad he took the time to answer these questions. I hope this will give him some peace of mind.
  5. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/emancipation-will-smith-apple-release-1235329485/?fbclid=IwAR0S3BnmAB9GpIUV4nYqbEitZtjoOSJjgQgsmypEBh3CG_yCwwC02YsIXdM I agree with the writer. Just release the movie and see what happens.
  6. More info on the sequel. https://movieweb.com/i-am-legend-2-delay-why/?utm_source=MW-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=MW-FB-P&fbclid=IwAR0X2jfzhUAuAFKcUQ8vCnfwnGxF3gPFOdvksw105_CgErptCsbWp-bbL70
  7. That's a great addition to your collection. Great find!
  8. Thanks for posting AJ. Bad Boys is one of my favorite films. Looking forward to the fourth one.
  9. Michael Bay would work with Will Smith again. https://movieweb.com/michael-bay-would-work-will-smith-again/?utm_source=MW-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=MW-FB-P&fbclid=IwAR1ukrtZFX8Cxt-WFRsG_Ef15KC_nOBP_tdr4AmsZOys8B0tQiWxlgV9N-E
  10. Dj Jazzy Jeff defends his friend Will Smith https://www.blackenterprise.com/dj-jazzy-jeff-defends-his-friend-will-smith-it-was-a-lapse-of-judgement/?fbclid=IwAR3Gc06ewW8TbXb1wD6efit2Y6MTPCg99ZQHW7lzzYGre-ovwQI6StOaZSg
  11. Nas - King’s Disease 2 A great album. I think it’s better than the first one.
  12. The punishment could have been worse. He gets to keep his Oscar (for what it’s worth, I doubt he or movie studios will ever use it to promote a new movie) and he’s still in a position to win another one. I hope people can move forward now. I don’t know if he still has to do the Red Table Talk. Maybe work on yourself for now, try to find peace.
  13. It will be in everyone’s best interest to get this over with. After they make their decision it will be in the media for like a week. After that I hope the media will move on to something else. I wonder what they will decide. Maybe take away his Oscar?
  14. So you joined this board just to let us know that you will never watch his movies again?
  15. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/will-smith-talent-agency-addresses-report-considered-dropping-him-client?utm_campaign=complexmag&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR3queRjxjtib1uJUo0d2T8Sd8nHJVw8bGMhsyzo-WIkRIf6BimJ-iWPWyM
  16. I think him resigning from the Academy is the right thing to do. It doesn’t really mean much to be part of it. It’s not that important to his career. I don’t think his career is over. It will take some time for people to forget about this. The video and the incident will probably keep popping up for the rest of his career. The only way for this entire issue to be over is to have a conversation with Chris Rock. It doesn’t have to be in front of cameras. Just talk privately and clear the air.
  17. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/academy-shares-letter-updating-memebrs-will-smith-oscars-slapping-incident-formal-review?utm_campaign=complexmag&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR2XEMz6XILgDpP_Ox2xArkTfqIQwHv301LElocIjxDc3f5Oy3D8sOgvffo According to this the Academy’s review will take a couple of weeks.
  18. According to Wikipedia it was released on April 7. So that’s still a couple of days. It would be great if Will or Jazz made a post about it. Or if we got a remastered edition or some unreleased tracks. But I guess it will just go by unnoticed.
  19. Don’t know what to think about this. I’m not surprised they are doing a Red Table talk about it, kinda saw it coming. I wonder how it will play out. The only way this could really work is if they invited Chris Rock, sit down and have a openminded conversation. But then again, is it really necessary to do that publicly? Maybe they should handle it in private. But I guess that’s what society has come to.
  20. I read his book and I think he’s growing as a man. He’s letting go of that military discipline because maybe he just wants to be himself. Maybe he was sick of living like that and he realized that he was putting up an act, both on and off screen. If you ask me he’s searching for his true self. He said it in his apology: I am a work in progress. I’ve been thinking about the incident for some time now and In all honesty, who are we to judge the guy really? He bitchslapped a guy because he was talking **** about his wife. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do or that violence is the answer, but I guess some of us wouldn’t let that **** fly if they were talking about someone we loved. Sure, he did it on one of the biggest stages in the world. It got blown up by every media outlet in the world. It’s a bad example for kids and teens. Plus what makes it even worse is that everyone on social media gets the chance to give their opinion about it. Including us. We all have different opinions. We are all life long supporters of Will and we never ever thought he would be capable of doing something like this. That’s why our reactions are the way they are. But he apologized for it. And I can live with that. I hope he will talk about it on camera soon to put a stop to it and move on. I can see why people are losing respect for him and I totally understand if they put him in a different perspective. I’ll keep supporting him, listening to his music, watch his movies and shows. We all evolve and change. Will is doing the same. And I’m glad he is. I don’t see him doing music right away but it would be a great way to find himself. So I agree with @JumpinJack AJthat people might not want to see Will the actor, they want the Fresh Prince on the mic. It could be a great way for him to express himself. Who knows!
  21. I've been saying for years that he should win an Oscar just to get it out of his system and return to music. I really hoped he would win one for King Richard. After what happened I doubt he is going to do some new music. I really think he will lay low for a bit.
  22. I totally agree. He has been posting these inspirational videos for years but when it comes to apologizing for one of the biggest media storms in years he just puts up some text? Not enough if you ask me.
  23. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/will-smith-chris-rock-oscars-feud-explainer/fresh-prince A timeline about the history between Will and Chris Rock.
  24. Same here! I’ve been saying it for a while. If he wins his Oscar he will do some more music. Guess that ain’t going to happen.
  25. Yeah, I check the forum on a daily basis. All it took for people to come back and start posting again was Will slapping Chris Rock. Anyway, it’s great to see some old heads back! I read the Puffy article a couple hours ago. He was also the first one to try and get them together at an after party. He mentioned it on stage. It’s been a weird day. Being a Will Smith, a lot of people have been texting me and asking for my opinion. I still can’t fully wrap my mind around it. I’m waiting on a statement from Will. I really hope he talks about soon.
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