Yes I think Chief is definitely suffering from big candle envy. He's overcompensating with a huge army, but even though he may have a war hammer I'm sure he cries himself to sleep at night. See if your the bread, Chief is the crust, no one wants him and he just gets thrown in the bin as if he didnt exist.
And while the crust is the part of the bread that is currently all-encircling, the crust is the part of the bread that gets baked. I will bake the crust to such an extent that it will flake off. It will either flake off, or I will cut it off. Either way, the beauty within, the bread, me, will flourish, having been sheltered under the wing of the crust for all too long. Times change. Toppings change. Crusts get chewed off, eaten, spat out, cut off, fed to the birds, or binned. But the bread stays the same.