Such a shame that certain people are debilitating the progress of others. Just stop - we really aren't interested in arguments. We come to discuss music, geez.
So yeah, dope song Da Ace. Best of luck with the mixtape, man :2thumbs:
Yeah, awesome idea! I'm looking forward to seeing this one finished.
Just to point out though, you got the titles of mine mixed up, they should be the other way round. :2thumbs:
I'm guessing you're working from oldest 'til newest?
So that track has a nu metal feel then?
For me, nu metal (Linkin Park stylee) is the perfect bridge between hip-hop and metal. Awesome if they can do it right (Jay Z and Linkin Park slaughtered their songs on their collab album in my opinion). The '80s Metallica stuff like their "Master of Puppets" album is awesome, though I've not really given their newer stuff a fair chance so yeah, I've not heard this track. Which album is it from?
Currently; AC/DC - "Back in Black"
Well, I mean, we haven't seen much happening with WS recently, so people aren't going to find a sudden urge to look up websites on him, know what I mean? When (if!) there's another single, then there'll be another surge in traffic :2thumbs:
I just realised something.. It's almost 10 years since Big Willie Style dropped :mygod:
Anyone else find this slightly disturbing, or is it just me? Where has the last 10 years gone, geez :hmm:
10 years since FPOBA ended. :hmm:
Nurse, come for me quickly! :paperbag: