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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by viber_91

  1. Well chris rock is good. But Dave Chappelle is one of the best out there today if you ask me... But then we have the two kings of urban stand-up: Eddie murphy and Richard Pryor. Eddie Izzard is allso a genious!
  2. Don't know about this... Isn't it to many medical dramas out there? The only good one that i can come up with is "House".
  3. Is'nt it Bossy Nova? If it is you can find it on his my space...
  4. Thanx for the trailer Radewart! I like the original trailer more but it's allways fun to see some new clips from the movie!
  5. Wich 6 year old don't want's to be in a movie with his/her famous father! And see scary creatures! Maby I'm weird, but I think that being in a movie is something that every 6 year old want's to do!
  6. Well we can just say that like 2% of all the child actors turned out normal... And I think that is going to happen to Jaden and Willow. Will and Jada are good parents! (I hope)
  7. Thanx for this Vipa! I like it!
  8. Happy B-Day Man! Hope You Have A Great One!
  9. Eighty Blocks from Tiffany's
  10. :iagree: And why would Willow be so much worse than any other 7yo actress? :pony:
  11. An Interrupted Breakfast (It's from 1898, LOL)
  12. O boy, the last human on earth has a daughter, brilliant. If i'm not misstaken, we will only get to see her in wills flashbacks... She dies to! DRAMA, Oh! The Drama! :switch:
  13. Thanx for the pics and the news nana!
  14. Good! I can't stand Gabrielle Union. Don't know why, it's just something about her...
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