Well chris rock is good. But Dave Chappelle is one of the best out there today if you ask me... But then we have the two kings of urban stand-up: Eddie murphy and Richard Pryor. Eddie Izzard is allso a genious!
Wich 6 year old don't want's to be in a movie with his/her famous father! And see scary creatures! Maby I'm weird, but I think that being in a movie is something that every 6 year old want's to do!
Well we can just say that like 2% of all the child actors turned out normal... And I think that is going to happen to Jaden and Willow. Will and Jada are good parents! (I hope)
O boy, the last human on earth has a daughter, brilliant.
If i'm not misstaken, we will only get to see her in wills flashbacks... She dies to! DRAMA, Oh! The Drama! :switch: