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Everything posted by viber_91
I did not know any of that... Fresh Prince, rapper before acting, Men in Black, Ali, I am Legend? Never heard of it, now I know what all the people here have been talking about for the past couple of years... Thanx for clearing things up for me!
I saw the movie a fourth time two days ago... The first time, I thought it was ok, just ok, but not even close to other movies this summer... The second time I liked the movie a, thought it was a good comedy and a good drama, and i thought the last 10-15 mins was great. The third time I just thought it was ok again, the fourth time I really hated it. In the Tonight He Comes script you got to know the characters, you felt sorry for Hancock, you felt sorry for "Ray" who was trying to fix his marrige, you felt sorry for "Mary". The script had a good story, and good character development. But the movie just doesn't... It tries to be a deep drama, but fails thanx to the short 90 mins. I really think that It should have been 2 movies... It's a little bit better than Wild Wild West, but I'd rather watch Shark Tale again...
Well, if it's a good script, and a good story it can be a good movie. I don't understand the "Oh no! hope he doesn't do this! there's no need for a prequel!", if it's good, then ok, do it! We wouldn,t have the crappy ending like in the first one, and maybe the infected wouldn't be totally transformed like in the first movie, maybe just like sick people. I don't know. But c'mon, it could work. It's no worse than the idea to make another MIB movie, atleast I am Ledgend had some quality and great acting from Will, if he's in it, and the movie takes place about 2 years before the first one, in the wintertime like Lawrence said, and is about as good as the first one was the first 55 mins, it could work. And, i don't really think that the movie would be worse than the movies he's doing now. It's not like he's doing supergreat movies, and making Ledgend 2 would be like De Niro's "The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle". It would'nt probably be worse than all the other movies he's thinking about starring in...
Christian Bale is my favourite actor, I think he's really great. "American Psycho", "3:10 to Yuma", "The Prestige", "The Machinist" (Seriously, It's crazy that he didn't get an oscar for that one, not even a nomination), "Harsh Times" and more... It's not cool if he did it, but righ now all we know is that he "lashed out", now serioulsly that can mean almost anything... But here are the facts we have... The incident took place on Sunday at the Dorchester Hotel. Police were not called to the scene. The incident was reported at a police station in Hampshire. It has now been classed as 'minor' common assault, it seems he pushed his mother. Bale exploded at his mom because of "outrageous" things she was saying about him, his wife & kid. He blames her for what happened. He voluntarily went to the police station in Belgravia where he was arrested. He wasn't charged. He is denying that an assault took place. He has been released on bail but has agreed to return in September. I know I have pushed some people in my life during an argument, and I've never been arrested for it...
Here ya go! http://www.sendspace.com/file/vjtq3s
Will Smith tops list of Hollywood's best-paid actors
viber_91 replied to Ale's topic in Will Smith Movies
Wouldn't the world be a better place if all the actors didn't get so much money, and that money cold go to starving people in like, africa or asia? Seriously, nobody deserves that much! It would be fine if he got like 1 or 2 million dollars for a movie, even if that's still a very high salary... ok, ok... I won't make this to a "save the starving"-thread, but, y'all know what I'm talking about... :sorry: Anyway... Congrat's to Will! :shake: -
The Dark Knight is still #1 on IMDBs top-250 list, and now with a little under 70,000 votes it looks like it has a chance of staying there for a while...
It's 18.39$ for The Dark Knight here in Sweden... With smaller movies it's 16$...
Says who ? Does Hancock ring a bell ? Used to be supposedly one of the better scripts out there, I read the script and it is horrendous. Me, I think that the Seven Pounds script is great, sure, a big dramatic tear-jerker to some, but a great script anyway. Now, will the movie be great? I don't know... I thought the Tonigh He Comes script was great. And I have read it like three times, first time was like two years ago. So, no... Hancock doesn't ring a bell... :smartass: (if you can say that :redface: ) But of course they couldn't make a movie where Will played a really unlikable character, they had to throw in more comedy, , and a worse storyline. To make it more "Big Willie", hollywood blockbuser comedy/action. Since Seven Pounds is a drama with not a very big budget, they don't care about the box office as much as with Hancock. And that will hopefully make it a better movie, without cutting it down to get a bigger audience, take a bunch of scenes out, and totally change the script.
Well, I don't know if this is a "cool" photo. But I was in Florida a few weeks ago, and bought a new digital SLR camera... Took this pic here in sweden a few days ago when the sun went down...
Yes he has: Ali. 'Training Day' was a great movie but Will's performance deserved that Oscar. Yes, Will's performance deserved an oscar. I think it's Will's best movie, and his best performance. But, the movie isn't like great, I mean like "IMDB's top 250"-great, or "Only 4/5 or 5/5 stars from the critics". The movie has a lot of flaws, the thing's that saves it is Will's and Jon Voight's performances. The movie is Will's best movie, but not one of the best movies from 2001. I want him to make a movie that's considered one of the best movies from that year, and one that will make it into IMDB's top 250 list... As I said before, I hope that "Empire" could be that movie... You're being too generous. This is probably my least anticipated WS movie, by far. Mainly cause of Nieporte. Well, the script is good and got voted as one of the top 10 drama movies studios wanted to make in 2005 or 2006... And Will and Woody Harrelsson is in it, it's a drama... It can't be worse than Hancock (not saying Hancock is a bad movie, just can't see this movie with 37% on rottentomatoes). I think this movie will be good, but as usual when it comes to Will's movies, not great... A typical 3/5 movie...
Crap, sorry I'm late guys! I didn't even notice this thread :shakehead: Anyway, Thanx everyone! I had a good birthday, nothing special. Got some great stuff, a ticket to a concert with Tower of Power and Mary J Blige... Tower of Power were great, MJB was ok. She used way to much bass in her show, it felt like an earthquake everytime the drummer hit the bass drum :) But it was all good.
I don't think that Will is going to get an Oscar any time soon, at least not for Seven Pounds. I think that the movie will be kindof like POH in the directing and acting. And even if Will did a great job in POH it wasn't a great film, it was above average, but nothing more. This year he has to compete with Leo DiCaprio ("Revolutionary Road" or "Body of Lies"), Brad Pitt ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"), Benecio Del Toro ("The Argentine" or "Guerilla"), Mark Rufallo ("Blindness") and a bunch of other great actors in problably great movies. I think Leo has the biggest chance of winning, he's one of the best actors, and have been nominated three times. And if you think about it, all of the actors listed, have done better movies than Will, and better acting... Will needs to find a great movie, with a great script, and a great director to win a oscar. And he hasn't done that yet. I hope that Empire will be great though, Great writer, great director, and will can be a great actor, he just has to do a great movie! I'm still hoping for Seven Pounds to be a good movie. But I think it will be another oscarreach from will, cause the movie prob. aint gonna be that great... I'm guessing a 7.6/10 on IMDB, and about 65% on rottentomatoes... *EDIT* Post #1000 :clap2: :birthday: :7: :respect: :Party_fest09: :yeah: :wickedwisdom: :party: :pony: :gettinjiggywitit: :wiggle:
Haha! #1 now, that's crazy! I know it will go down, but I know this movie will not disappoint!
I haven't seen the movie, but... ------------------------- #3 of the top 250 movies of all time... Sure, it will drop from the top ten, prob. even from the top 20, but still... that's pretty impressive. This movie will blow all the other summer movies out of the water. I can't wait to see it! Next thursday 11 PM! But it was nice to see HancocK again, like a little snack to make the hunger go away before the big meal (that sounded bad, but I couldn't come up with anything else)
Quote from the Hancock topic... Does anybody know anything more about this? I think we should have heard something by now... I really hope the trailer comes out soon, the POH trailer came out like july 22nd or something like that...
It's still pretty good... It doesn't have any big hollywood actors like Hancock. And without the actors, hancock prob. wouldn't even make it to the top ten list of summer movies. But still, I dont 't really care for Hellboy II, I thought the first one was ok, but I'll save my money so I can watch the dark knight a few times more... Now that's gonna be the summer movie of 2008, if not THE movie of 2008. I'll prob. rent Hellboy II on DVD when it comes out.
It doesn't really deserve all that money... Will is one of the few actors that can make a movie with more bad reviews than good, and still have it take in a ton of cash... but I'll see it again this thursday and hope that I'll like it more this time...
The thing is, even if I didn't think that the movie was great, and hate Sony for cutting it down to get a PG-13... I really want to see a sequel, with the music in the end, and I just wanted more! So I hope they'll make a sequel, but do it as a straigh superhero movie, with a bit of comedy and drama... Not two good movies, but too short, cut together to one... I really think that it would have been better if this was three movies, the first being the first 50 min or so, with the big twist in the end, and the second wold be the last 30 minutes of the movie, and the third would start of like a year after the second one ended... And the movies should have been more than 90 minutes long, more like 2 hours...
Ok, I wrote this in another thread, but... Seriously, the love story was gone, the dark theme was gone, the edgy humor was gone... Almost nothing that made the original script so great, new and fresh was there, except Hancock, or yeah... His name and the fact that he's a superhero... Is it just me? Or was the entire "love story" part of the movie that Pete Berg was talkning about in the early interviews completly gone?
I'm sure that was a joke... It was a joke right!? It has to be... *EDIT: And I really didn't see a love story at all, just some arguing between Will and Charlize and then the 10 min talk at the hospital, but love story? That's not a love story if you ask me. Feels like they could do a whole other movie with all the stuff that was cut out, think about it... We didn't see will on top of that building like in the trailer, and in the first cut there was like 10 min of Hancock trying to kill himself, + the sex scene and a lot of stuff with "Red" or whatever his name was, the villain... Seriously, the love story was gone, the dark theme was gone, the edgy humor was gone... Almost nothing that made the original script so great, new and fresh was there, except Hancock, or yeah... His name and the fact that he's a superhero...
The original cut of the movie was about 120 min, and with the 92 min movie we have today, a lot of stuff was cut out to give it a PG-13 rating. Well, remember one thing: This would be a movie, and I think the script was great. It's a shame they did all the re-writes to make it another movie really... If Will would have done this movie, it prob. would have been a great movie, with darkness and drama, and Will would prob. finally make a movie that will be rememberd by people. Cause the movies he's done so far, not many will remember after 50 years... Seriously, he's not gonna be rememberd by people as an great actor, caus he hasn't done a single great movie... I got to see a pree-screning of Hancock here in Sweden, and I have to say that I was dissapointed... I think it's a shame that they wrote in so much and took the originallety out of the story, sure an ass hole superhero, we have never seen that before... But all the other stuff was pure holywood blockbuster sh*t. I think that Will needs to stop thinking about the money and "Would people wanna see that in a movietheatre?", and do stuff he likes. And if this is what he likes, fine, but he should not be talking about how he feels the movies he's doing now are something special... If this movie would have been a "low budget", and I mean like 75 million or less, they could have given us the R-rated movie, and prob. given us what this was intended to be. Now we saw two good movies (the first and second half), that were cut down to give us an PG-13 rating and we ended up with a mediocre 1 1/2 hour movie. Ok, I did infact enjoy Hancock quite a bit, but it was still not a great movie. great acting, great directing, sure. But it didn't have that dark and edgy feel that the first writers wanted to give it, something new. This movie didn't have anything new... When i think about it, I'm quite pissed that Will did this movie, It would be great if they just gave the script so someone that had the guts to do it. Not totally take a dump on the original writers. I hope that Seven Pounds or Empire (I really have high hopes for Empire. Great director, great writer and hopefully a great cast, Seven pounds has Will, and Woody, two good/great actors in my eyes, but the director... I thought that Will did a great job in POH, but the directing was not great, it was ok...) could be the kindof movies he's allways talking about he's gonna make in the next 5 years or so, but something's telling me I'm in for another disappointment...
Nice to hear people here liked it, I'll have to wait two more weeks for the movie, but I really hope I'll like it. And Nice review Bob, but I would bet 1000 dollars that The Dark Knight will be a better film in terms quality, It's gotten like 5/5 in every review so far, and (hope I don't make enemies here now :leaving: ) many of the actors in TDK are far superior to any of the actors in Hancock (except Charlize). But I think that they are two very different movies. Hancock is a summer blockbuster Drama/Action/Comedy movie, with some big twists, while TDK is more of an "Oscar" movie (with a batman story) if you look at the script, music, acting, direction and so on... I really don't care wich one will win box office, but I hope It's the Dark Knight, Will don't need to be nr1, and I don't think he will be this summer... But I'm hoping for Hancock to be a good/great summer movie, fun, dramatic and with some good action. I'm not going to hope for the "Tonight He Comes" movie, cause if I do, I know I'll be dissapointed...
With the bad reviews spreading on the internet and in newspapers, I think that it will open up around $120 million during the July 4th holiday, and then drop pretty quick and end around $175 million in the US...