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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by viber_91

  1. RAW(Stand up) - Eddie Murphy SO damn Funny!!!
  2. James avery was in some movie about a year ago. It looks like he has lost some weight!
  3. Just search for lil jon on google and that pic will come up many times.
  4. HAHA :rofl: :rofl: ! It's allmost as strange as Lil Jon in high school :smart: : :jusmindyabizness:
  5. Here are some links on scratching and more: http://www.djvibe.com/learn/mix/ This site is in swedish but all you have to do is go to the scratch you want to see and then click on Real or windows media player to see how to do the scratch: http://www.djbattle.net/scratchschool.php?scratchID=1
  6. Tower of Power - Aint nothin' Stoppin' Us Now
  7. Can you still buy that?! :hail: :hail: :hail:
  8. "Written by Grant Nieporte, the story centers on a man who inadvertently falls in love with a woman while attempting to kill himself."
  9. Thanx for sharing this interview bigted!
  10. Please, can you upload it and put it on JJFP Rare tracks? :hail: :hail: My computer crashed and I dont have the song anymore :shrug: MJB - Can't Hide From Luv (feat. Jay-Z)
  11. Ok... But think about Hanks movies over the years: :smart: Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Toy Story 1, Toy Story 2, Saving Private Ryan, You've Got Mail, The Green Mile, Cast Away, Road to Perdition, Catch Me If You Can and The Da Vinci Code! He's got like as many blockbusters as Will ever done movies and he's done movies a few yers more than Will... I'm sure that if we give Will some time he'll soon be up there in the top! :wiggle: :wiggle:
  12. I've seen it to! It's been up there for a long time i think... It's really funny!
  13. It's been a topic on this album for a very long time: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/...?showtopic=8466
  14. He is my best friend/cousin :3-laugh3: Of course I'm going to be biased though, because we are very close. But I think he is a really good rapper. He is working on his first album right now. I might produce a little for his album. He and I are probably going to make a lot more hip hop together when we are older though, because he lives in Flordia right now, and I live in Minnesota. Is there any chance that you could upload a mp3 or a song snippet?
  15. I love Luda and all his songs! Thanx for sharing Frenetic!
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