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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by viber_91

  1. Nice, Nice! I think I'll by this in August.
  2. Thanx for the warning, I considered to buy all the seasons a few years ago, but now when the real stuff is being released so quickly, I'll by them insted.
  3. This Boy Is Smooth - JJFP Just love Jason Golleys trumpet solo on this song!
  4. Man that was the worst defence in Swedish history! 2-0... :tantrum: :damnyou: :noooo:
  5. That was fun! Wish it was longer... Thanx Lerk!
  6. I've found it, and bought it! I'm so happy :wiggle:
  7. Paul McCartney, Stockholm, Sweden. Think It was 2003 or 2004. But this summer, I'm goig to Kanye Wests and James Browns concerts and I'll bet they'll be dope!
  8. Doesn't matter if it has been deleted! No Page is better than jazzyjefffreshprince.com! :2thumbs:
  9. Damn u know him too? :rofl: Its a small world. :davidblaine: :word: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :3-laugh3: For me, It was Soul Survivor who brought me here...
  10. I dont know... MIB?? :sick: If i'm right, here's a line: "You want some food for that thing?"
  11. Anyone have the "I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson" video?
  12. Busta Rhymes ft Stevie Wonder - Been Through The Storm Man, I Just Love This Song!!!
  13. This Is a really old topic, but since it's back I have to say Will! I like the old LL stuff but now he's just lost... (I just have to say "LL you need to stop lickin ya lips, you just look stupid!!!!!) :damnyou:
  14. Here is "Aint No Sunshine" by Al Green: http://rapidshare.de/files/23607426/Al_Gre...nshine.mp3.html And here is "Mista Tung Twista" by Twista: http://rapidshare.de/files/23608432/Twista...wista2.mp3.html Enjoy! :2thumbs:
  15. :3-laugh3: Me So Horny - 2 live crew :jusmindyabizness:
  16. That was really good J-O-E! Wish i could rhyme like that...
  17. Thnx Wes! Had heard of him but never heard a track. Hes really Good! Think I'll Buy his album if I can Find it!
  18. :word: Dat was really god Tim! didn't know you could flow like dat... But now i know! Keep up the good work! :2thumbs:
  19. Here you can download it... http://rapidshare.de/files/23426982/When_T...and_Up.mp3.html :2thumbs:
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