Thanx for the warning, I considered to buy all the seasons a few years ago, but now when the real stuff is being released so quickly, I'll by them insted.
Paul McCartney, Stockholm, Sweden. Think It was 2003 or 2004.
But this summer, I'm goig to Kanye Wests and James Browns concerts and I'll bet they'll be dope!
Damn u know him too? :rofl: Its a small world. :davidblaine:
:word: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :3-laugh3:
For me, It was Soul Survivor who brought me here...
This Is a really old topic, but since it's back I have to say Will!
I like the old LL stuff but now he's just lost... (I just have to say "LL you need to stop lickin ya lips, you just look stupid!!!!!) :damnyou:
Here is "Aint No Sunshine" by Al Green:
And here is "Mista Tung Twista" by Twista:
Enjoy! :2thumbs: