I saw the first one in a store a few weeks ago,but I didn't get it.I might just head there today and pick it up if it's still there.Also there were some pretty funny interludes from the Bad Boys 2 movie on the soundtrack.
Sweet vid Jonny!I love the part at the beginning where Jeff is on the turntable.Please excuse me while I watch the rest of your videos.By the way your video Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme (complete version) wasn't the complete version.The complete version was on the Will Smith Greatest Hits cd.Although I don't think they ever made a video for it.
How much you wanna bet everyone who voted for Jessy McCartney is just a perky teenage girl that has a little Jessy McCartney shrine in her closet? :lolsign:
I never really thought I'd see it either, but I gave it a chance which I see not many of you are planning to do,and I liked it.Now don't get me wrong I'm no 50 cent or G-Unit fan,but 50 cent really completed the movie to me.
I know I might get some negative response to this because I know some of you aren't too fond of 50 Cent, but you have to admit that Get Rich or Die Tryin' was a good movie.The sound track wasn't that bad either.I listen to Window Shopper all the time.
Yo mama so fat she stepped on the scale in the doctor's office and the doctor said I didn't ask for your phone number
Yo mama so stupid she got run over by a parked car
Yo mama so stupid when she puts a quarter in a parking meter she yells hey where's my gumball!