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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Frenetic

  1. My plan would have been: Tell me why: Radio Release - NOW! CD release - 2-3 Weeks Party Starter Radio Release - middle June Cd - Beginning of July Pump Ya Breakz Radio - Beginning of august Cd - End of August The sales should be holding up 'til september then. Album should do atleast 35-40k a week, with a push around 60k at the time tell me why and part ystarter is released. Then i'd expect a new album to the spring of 2006 =)
  2. Actually it's doing okay... as i expected even though i hoped it would have done 170k. The important thing is the follow up.. Tell me why... NOW!!
  3. why y'all writing it here? e-mail overbrook
  4. HE STILL ISN'T SIGNED TO INTERSCOPE!!!!! Interscope does the distribution!!! Will is on Overbrook and it's all his decision on how he promotes it!! It's like Aftermath & Interscope! Aftrmath is the company promoting eminem and fifty, not interscope! Interscope lays under vivendi universal. You can't say that it's vivendi that's promoting it. It's overbrook and interscope handles the shipping and so on! EDIT: But it's good he's holding up and not falling like beanie did. If he does over 50k a week until tell me why is released, then we got a platinum album! But if overbrook and interscope (there interscope has a part: releasin the single in time!) release tell me why too late, then it won't hold up it's numbers. I''m saying the end of this month tell me why should be released to the radio and released as a single in the middle of may. Then partystarter in August =). That should keep the album in the top 30 all the way to september =)
  5. what used 2 be ur username back at the willsmith.net boards? i don't remember u Either Djcut or Kaveh
  6. So i'd say it started around 92/93
  7. I remember liking boom shake the room when I was like 5 years old. I made my mom buy the single and I listened to it until I was seven or sumthin. I also watched every episode of JJFP. When Men in black came out I bought the soundtrack, then the just cruisin single, MIB single, Big willie style, and all the singles that was released. Around 98/99 I was starting to get tired of the album and I suddenly remembered boom shake the room. So i went on the internet, read about them. I went out and bought Homebass, and completely fell in love with the album. I couldn't find the older albums, so i downloaded them all. When I was in Germany for vacation in 2000 i bought them all. At the end of 99 i joined the willsmith.net forum. It was really cool at that time. I remember Aj, 3cookies and a few more. around 2001/2002 i stopped goind to the forum after a dispute at the forum.
  8. heey! don't hate on us, Will loves us! Our newspapers are just known for being some wack punk b*tches
  9. Interscope is distrobuting it. it's like aftermath and interscope or G-unit records and interscope
  10. stop that.. be realistic.. i think he'll go platinum. once.
  11. someone got to update me on this potnas section... what is that?
  12. 70k for the second week would be cool. How much is gold on the u.s? 200k? Hopefully tell me why comes out soon so that he doesn't do under 50k a week the coming 2 monts.
  13. i hate will writing **** with other people. dawg you made hiphops greatest song ever! "summertime! you don't need help
  14. I think it'll sell about 99.999 copies. and then will runs out and buys one copy to make it hit the 100k mark
  15. really bad he couldn't go over 100k... but this is what i predicted with so poor promotion from interscope
  16. I would say that even if kanye only rapped about 5 years (not 2.5 as you said) he's still better then LL. LL was good back in the day but the guy has fallen off badly. COllege dropout is straight up knowledge and the truth. God, listen to the lyrics... that ill.
  17. I really hope he didn't rape people
  18. THe thing with the timbo tracks is really weird...cuz the album was promoted with timbaland being on it.
  19. WORD! haha... they show it one week after... if they don't screw up
  20. Yeah I read it too... im waiting for dagensskiva.com to review it and Aftonbladet too... Yes i mean't dagensskiva.com.. i e-mailed them about it... they weren't sure about reviewing it... but after i mailed them they seemed positive. I know the guy that writes the reviews at kingsize magazine... he'll give it a high score (huge JJFP/Smith fan)
  21. noo... we actuallt got reallt good burgers! M'cdonalds / Burger King in other countrys in Europe taste weird. We got the best burgers... if that really counts.. =) I'm waiting to see 3 reviews in sweden. The one from the no.1 newspaper, one from the hiphop magazine Kingsize and one from an online review site.. So hopefully they'gg give him better. Cuz this review sucked, he thought will should stop complainin and the only way he could be as good as eminem is if he has a another summertime on lost and found.
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