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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. I can't say the same. I can't think of one interesting single I've heard from Ludacris. In fact, most of them have just been the same thing that so many "me-too" rappers have been doing the past couple years, only the videos have a higher budget. "Get back! You don't know me like that!" Repeat and repeat. I'm just not feeling it, and that's the best song I've heard from him. And Petey... His first album singles didn't bother me. They were catchy. But his songs as of late just show him as a guy in sunglasses who just talks through songs spitting forgettable verses. Will might be able to get them to spit a verse without curses like he did with Lil' Kim, but I believe those verses will just end up being a variation of a "this is who we be, don't mess with us" verse. And this kind of thing makes me frustrated with Will. He's preached against the rappers that resort to cursing and the like, the he picks up these people. I kept my hopes up with Petey until I heard his single months later. I still look forward to this album very much. I can't wait to hear new FP music. If Jeff is saying this is hot then I'm really glad. But I stand by what I said about the other rappers. I'd have preffered some less popular, but better rappers if it meant a better song over better chart recognition. Kel Spencer please? God Blessa!
  2. March of what? This year? I remember when we had a hope that it would be like August of 2 years ago or something. It's not like we aren't used to waiting. I was expecting Hitch to push things back though. Music singles are really HORRIBLE right now, so Will, anytime now would be great. But by anytime I mean this time... would be great. Whatever though. I just wanna hear new music. And no hate to BTR. I love that album despite Columbia's best efforts for me to feel otherwise. God Blessa!
  3. Yeah, the other topic clears it up. It's a rerun. God Blessa!
  4. I'm down, down, diddily-own, DOWN. Been a while. Looking forward to this. God Blessa!
  5. Merry Christmas. It's tomorrow you know. This is probably going to be the sunniest Christmas I've ever seen. Sorry to hear about that Julie. God Blessa!
  6. I think he should use 1 in the Morning. That, and Feel the Beat are my favorite songs on the album. And I don't think he needs a B-Side if he just does One in the Morning. God Blessa!
  7. "Somehow 'I told u so'....just doesn't quite say it." :sonny: Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. Sure, now it says it's making sure the site is still active. Tomorrow it'll smoking megabytes with Yahoo over their victory of taking over the board. God Blessa!
  8. Yeah I saw that a few days ago. Pretty funny. I think Will would get a laugh if he knew about the game. God Blessa!
  9. I remember when we thought a new album may have been released as early as last summer. I don't know what's up, but I want this by January. God Blessa!
  10. Intelligent rap, Ninja Turtles, Clinton Scandal, OJ trial/pursuit, Pokémon phenomenon, CD's, etc. When I think of more,I'll post it. God Blessa!
  11. So you finally agree that they're wack? God Blessa!
  12. What I heard before the movie is what they wanted to do was prequels. And do you have a source? I didn't know Will was still going to be doing the movies. God Blessa!
  13. I decided not to pick it up when I read that people like Jadakiss, G-unit, etc. would be on it. How did Eminem get so much handle over 2Pac songs? This sucks. I'd rather hear him how he meant the song to be. I also completely agree on him not being down for this if he was still alive. Jadakiss? G-Unit? Eminem, the guy who made Big Weenie? Please. God Blessa!
  14. I finished this picture in paint and thought it might be cool for the album or an insert. I know it's paint, but that's the point. We're doing this. God Blessa!
  15. K-Os: Dirty Water Everyone, I'm telling you, get his album, Joyful Rebellion. It's extremely great. God Blessa!
  16. Thanks that was cool. Here's hoping for a tour. God Blessa!
  17. Yeah, you'll be fine. It's these high school relationships. You'll look back on her and be grateful that you didn't stay in a relationship with a girl who only has a boyfriend to have a boyfriend. God Blessa!
  18. Wow, in August we were so ready to hear it. Then we said September, then November, Now June. Let's get that song out there. Isn't the video done? God Blessa!
  19. :werd: I was gonna reply to that but for some reason I didn't. The guy was real smart. God Blessa!
  20. I didn't know so many people hadn't heard it. What took you so long? I got the CD that has it on it. You could only get it at Best Buy here. Great song. God Blessa!
  21. None of you understand what I mean. I'm talking about the way this was written. Not who said what. I don't think Will was being disrespectful. What KRS-One said was bad, no excuses. But I do think these articles were written similairly. God Blessa!
  22. Actually, it sounds a LOT like the KRS-One story. God Blessa! no, it does not sound like the KRS-One story. Re-read it. If u think, the media made KRS-One look like some unsympathetic monster, you're wrong. KRS-One WAS disrespectful to the victims of 9/11. He said "he cheered when it happened". He is a definition of a jackass and I don't care if u worship his old-school ass. What Will said was 9/11 did not change how he lives and how he views America personally. He did not say he cheered or didn't care about the victims of the attacks. Remember when he did the telethon to raise money after 9/11?? Must of slipped out your mind. I get the feeling Will does care about the victims unlike KRS-One. I do think this article of Will's interview is real. The reason why this is not like the KRS-One story is their comments are completely different. However, b/c of the different nature of their comments, KRS-One deserves to be lambasted by the media and the ppl. Will does not, b/c he never said anything saying he cares nothing of the victims. Um, get off your defensive stance. It DOES sound like it. Just abridged. I didn't say anything about KRS-One other than that it sounds like the KRS-One story so step off. God Blessa!
  23. Very good. It's got a 90's vibe to it. Relaxing feeling. I'm gonna try working out to this now. Good job. And thanks for telling me about the condenser mic. I'm gonna try to get on soon. God Blessa!
  24. I didn't know he was getting the Soap Opera watching age group. He's going to need it because fans are feeling tracks like "Big Weenie." He can't leave soon enough. God Blessa!
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