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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. Maybe for the interlude we could all take a little bit to tell a little about ourselves. God Blessa!
  2. I'm pretty sure that I'm down. I've already started working on a beat. Whether or not it materializes, we'll see. I really like this idea. As for titles, lets see: The Co-Lab The Big Small Community Those are just some ideas to toss around. God Blessa!
  3. That sounds good. I'd love to do this, I just need a beat. God Blessa!
  4. Thanks. What time were you in the room? Wait, your in Australia huh. Well, what time were you in the room? I'll try to figure out the math. God Blessa!
  5. Sorry I'm late, hope you had a good one. God Blessa!
  6. Hello all, I'd like to start this off saying that I'm really trying to get serious about writing/making music. So, what I'd really like is some beats to write to. They give me a general idea of how the song will flow and stay together. Now if you look at my name you'll see it has "dj" in front of it. I've discovered that I am probably a lot better DJing without a computer. I like doing this kind of thing with my hands or mouth and be able to change the music at my impulse, something I can't do with a computer. So until I can afford all that equipment. Could someone help me out with some simple, yet good beats that make you think hip hop. I really appreciate any help. Thanks to anyone. God Blessa!
  7. Cool. Glad that worked out. God Blessa!
  8. Good luck. And have fun with it. When you have fun, they have fun. :thumb: God Blessa!
  9. It was pretty good. I mainly only caught the FP and JJ part. It's worth it if you have the time. The show isn't the kind of thing you'd expect from VH1. God Blessa!
  10. Wow, they spent more time on Will and Jeff than I thought they would. Pretty good stuff guys. Check it out. There's some freestyle footage. Will does some commenting, they talk about performing. Other MC's talk about him too. LOL he also say's something funny about Spider-man, but this is a board for the whole family so you'll have to check it out. God Blessa!
  11. Mike Meyers did the same thing for Shrek because he made him sound like a Canadian. Thanks for the post. God Blessa!
  12. Happy Birthday brotha from anotha nation. :sonny: God Blessa!
  13. Remember that KRS One song from 1999? Featured a lot of people. Who was that one guy who said Will's "lyrics is pansy"? That guy sucked anyway. God Blessa!
  14. Happy birthday? :clap: God Blessa!
  15. It's real cause I just heard part of it on the radio. God Blessa!
  16. Every first single always IS a comedy single. It's the bait because everyone like comedy right? Then once you're hooked he comes into this serious and sometimes "woe is me" attitude. Anyway, no I haven't heard it. That doesn't mean it won't be playing in every other trendy teenager's car. So I'll most definitely end up hearing it. Sadly, before Switch. God Blessa!
  17. I guess we can't win em all huh... Hm, question, anyone know of any other artists that have a beef and are on the same label? God Blessa!
  18. Yeah, thanks, we've waiting for this for a while. BTW AJ, I'm listening to I Wish as I type. Thanks for the tip. God Blessa!
  19. Hey, so does this mean Will is gonna be in this documentary AND we get to see him freestyle? This sounds great. Thanks. God Blessa!
  20. [quote]Keep in mind that VH-1 started out as a network for an adult contemporary audience and has gotten hipper thru' out the 90's 2 what they are like now. They would have never touched Hip-Hop so this is actually kinda cool. And they definitly will do a better job than MTV would.[/quote] I'd be able to fully agree if they didn't do shows like "VH1 goes inside Big Brother" or "Best week ever". But the commercials look like they care about good rappers, so fingers are crossed. God Blessa!
  21. I don't think I ever really believed it would be out in August. I think he's pushing it back along with his album. Cause when Mase came back there was news of it on the Internet. A few weeks later I heard his single on the radio. A few more weeks there's a video. God Blessa!
  22. Man, this is the one time I wish I was in the UK. I've wanted to work with him for a long time. Good luck James. God Blessa!
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