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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. I saw the post count and assumed spam as well. Touching spam-bot... touching... I do agree that you should end it all though.
  2. Thanks for checking it out, anyway man. I appreciate it. I'm going to try to come out with them more consistently.
  3. Lol, thanks for watching guys (only half thanks for you though Tim, sorry).
  4. Nice job, Brakes. I'm lookin' forward to the album and mixtape!
  5. It really feels like it's missing something. It doesn't quite feel complete. What program are you using?
  6. That's a dope video. I'd like to see all of Young Money get the hell out of here though, not just Drake.
  7. Nice job, Tim. Funny video. It's cool to see you starring in more videos.
  8. Thanks Victor! I appreciate it man. Thanks Brakes! With most of my videos I will be writing ideas down for a few days. I will always come up with things on the spot when filming, but I did that a lot with this video. This video was made pretty quickly actually. I got the whole thing done in 2 days. I had fun with it.
  9. I think I know what scene you're talking about Tim (without Google!). It's just one huge shot on a movie set right? It's fantastic.
  10. http://twitter.com/IsntChrisL
  11. I hung out with a few babies earlier this week and became inspired to make a new video. I was a little inebriated when I made it, but I can live with it. It's also a big jab at the "quick-cut" videos that are so popular on YouTube.
  12. haha, I'm gonna get that book of yours Tim... as soon as I get a Kindle!
  13. Thanks for the feedback, AJ! I appreciate you checking it out. Do you still have that video of yours that you're talking about? I see what you're saying about the serious/funny aspect. The overall intention of these videos is to be funny without going out of my way to wink at the camera, so to speak. With this one, I added a lot of my own self-criticisms into the script. I realized that it was getting a bit heavy near the end, but I was able to come up with a way to end it on a happier/funnier note. Thanks again for watching!
  14. Oh yeah, I knew going into it that this would probably get less view than most of my videos, despite requiring much more work and time. One of the original reasons for making this video was to come up with content I could put into an acting reel. Still though, you just want to see reactions when you put this much work into something.
  15. Nice job, Tim! There were some pretty funny moments there. I liked that there were long shots in there as well. That's a bit of a rarity these days. Is that the same guy from the medical videos?
  16. Thanks a lot, Tim! I appreciate it! I know there's some rough looking shots in there, but I'm pretty happy with the result overall. Thanks for watching!
  17. HELLO ALL! After months of work (writing script, filming, lots of driving, money, etc.), I have finally finished my latest video. And I would like to share it with the world. I am well-aware of its flaws. These things become more obvious when you use people that don't love or have the patience for acting/film making. However, this is the biggest project I've ever put together and there's a lot in there that I'm proud, despite some of its rough edges. Hope you guys like it: I'm sorry it's so long, but that's why I'm calling it a "short film" after all. Comments are greatly appreciated!
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