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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. I think Tim took this one too. Ted's verse wasn't bad, but I don't think it matched Tim's in terms of punchlines and overall aggressiveness. BTW, Brakes- Concerning the 2-day time limit: If Schnazz decides to post a verse at the very last second, do I have two days from that moment to post my verse?
  2. I'm in... I'm disappointed the audio battle didn't get no love though.
  3. I'm a little worried about MIB3 too. It sounds like it's a filmmaker's nightmare.
  4. I saw this a few days ago. It's pretty stupid.
  5. Hey, a cookie.... OT, I often tell people that I wish I was Will Smith's kid...
  6. Heavy D's performance was dope. That was a really good cypher too though.
  7. "[There's] a lot of whack rappers out there. It's too corny." He's right here. I hope he comes out swinging with this next album.
  8. BOOM! I'm in! I will show no mercy! I don't wanna hear no Lil' Wayne-style nonsense neither!
  9. Nice job, Tim! You should have participated in the audio battles back in the day. Did you make the beats too? I really like the "Art of You" beat.
  10. Big Pun was extremely talented. He was a terrible husband, but a fantastic rapper.
  11. I would love for Will to go all out on a wack rapper like Wayne. He won't though. He balances his image too much for that to happen. I think it's the same reason he didn't do Django (which I'm not happy about).
  12. Yeah, I'll give him that. This is one of his better joints, IMO.
  13. An interesting beef would involve someone that could really rip Wayne apart, lyrically. There's a ton that could (and should), but they all jumped on the popularity bandwagon.
  14. LOL, I was NOT calling K-Smith a gangsta rapper, Turn. I was talking about Will hooking him up with 50 Cent. Anyway, I'm over this conversation too. We like who we like, I guess...
  15. Man, you guys always come back with a wall of text. I gotta go to work. I'll try to reply when I get back. I feel like my last post went through both ears though so I don't know how much effort I'm gonna put into it. I'll just re-iterate "pick your poison."
  16. Like I said in my first post. I'm not for censorship. I do believe the word would be used less if people understood its impact. My main point is that it will never become a word to empower if it is also seen as a word to degrade by the very people who use it.
  17. I agree with that. Another thing I wanted to mention was that a word cannot be used to empower one group of people if it seen as a bad thing when used by another race. All you're doing at that point is limiting yourself by placing yourself in the negative category that you associate that word with when it is used by someone else.
  18. Yeah, they are. I actually thought of them while I was writing that. A while back they admitted that their verses aren't a reflection of their real lives.
  19. lol, really Ted? I didn't say "cocaine use," btw. I said he praises cocaine as a way for drug dealers to thrive. If you think I'm picking him apart like a politician. Please listen to That White and tell me where I'm wrong on this one. He's ALWAYS talking about crack, btw. Which is another turn off for me. If you want to get into an argument about whether or not everyone has their own hypocrisies, then sure, you win. Everyone sucks. But it comes down to asking just how full of it are they? Then you pick your poison. I don't care who it is, if I like someone and they say or do something contradictory to something they once stood for, I will be happy to call them out. Like when Will backed 50 Cent for K-Smith. It was completely against Will's stance on gangsta rap. I don't hate FJ with a passion or anything but he's made enough choices I can't back for me to leave him out of my list of rappers to give a damn about.
  20. I don't like the word. It soils the song, as far as I'm concerned. There are only a few instances where I favor its use in a song. Like Lupe's "Dumb it Down." The ignorant guy at the end uses the word frequently, while the intelligent Lupe doesn't use it at all. I just wish all of his songs left the word out. The reason FJ gets special attention when he uses it is because it's more obvious coming from him since he's not black. I don't like it from anyone, black, white, red, yellow, etc. If I'm rapping along, I wanna be able to rap the full song without stuttering over an oppressive word. A word cannot truly create empowerment if such a small fraction of the community has exclusive use of it. And hell, a lot of people like yourself refuse to use the word anyway. That should say something. I'm not for censorship. I'm for creating a more conscious world.
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