I don't like the word. It soils the song, as far as I'm concerned. There are only a few instances where I favor its use in a song. Like Lupe's "Dumb it Down." The ignorant guy at the end uses the word frequently, while the intelligent Lupe doesn't use it at all. I just wish all of his songs left the word out. The reason FJ gets special attention when he uses it is because it's more obvious coming from him since he's not black. I don't like it from anyone, black, white, red, yellow, etc. If I'm rapping along, I wanna be able to rap the full song without stuttering over an oppressive word. A word cannot truly create empowerment if such a small fraction of the community has exclusive use of it. And hell, a lot of people like yourself refuse to use the word anyway. That should say something.
I'm not for censorship. I'm for creating a more conscious world.