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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. Dope song and video, Brakes! What did you use to put the video together?
  2. We here at LaserLemming.com are just happy to have you now!
  3. Hmm... bummer... His lack of excitement for his own music kind of has me worried about the next album. I'll probably still check it out though.
  4. This is an explosion of people interested! Hurry up and sign up before we run out of room!
  5. Well thanks (again) Turn. It's nice being back at the top with 31 Likes. I feel like I control the media now.
  6. Dammit! I was searching through the old battles and they were a lot of fun for those of us involved. I think it would spark some much needed interest in the board as well. It would be great if we could invite some of the members that participated in the past that stopped posting (Concept, Luigi, Joe, even Lerk). Anyone else down for this?
  7. I hit Like! My LaserLemming.com FB page is sitting exactly at 30 (some sunuvagun unliked it). It's scary. I need more likes! Looking forward to the tape! When do we get to hear the other mixtape?
  8. Nice job on making Caleb, Brakes. He is a natural-born leader. I don't think Julie even knows I exist anymore.
  9. I filmed this probably 2 months ago and now it's finally been finished. It's special because I'm not alone in this video. Hope you guys like it.
  10. Hmm... it's not gonna be playing to as wide of an audience but I'm sort of curious about seeing him on air again.
  11. LOL, pretty good Brakes. One of the best parts is when he said "I like black people."
  12. He's actually looking a lot like Ray Charles these days...
  13. Kel said that to me probably almost 2 years ago. I would hope he thinks differently now. At least put out some mixtapes or something. I think he's more focused with his other programs now.
  14. Wow... that was hard to watch after Dizaster first started. Canibus just isn't cut out to run with that crowd these days. The cast on his arm wasn't helping the old man image either. He should have never agreed to do this.
  15. Yeah, it takes a lot of time to do, actually. I've got another video that's supposed to be coming out that was a collaboration, but the guy that's been editing it has been sitting on it for way too long. It's a shame too because I think it's really funny. I'm gonna send him a message right now...
  16. And it's all about shameless self-promotion!
  17. Listening to the intro now... I just realized, could this be what Jeff was talking about when he posted that picture of him and Will?
  18. Thanks Ben! bigted, I added you on my profile. I'll need you to go to the LL page yourself though to like it. It doesn't let me go to people's profiles, they can only come to me. I checked out your music page too. Thanks for the shout out!
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