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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by ant1

  1. i'm gonna pic season 4 up next week... but they gotta step it up with the special features though.
  2. does anyone have fresh prince season 4 yet it just came out here in the states and i was just wondering what, stores haave it fo the best price.
  3. i need to get some more money but i'm definatly gonna pick one up.
  4. i got to say one of my favorite jjfp songs is i'm looking for the one especially the 12''mix right next to that are summertime, i wanna rock, and scream.
  5. i was a big turtles fan when i was little i remember my mom telling me to turn on oprah and seeing the turtles talk about their coming out of their shells tour ha ha. i can't wait to see this movie the cgi looks sick.
  6. thanks again for making me feel part of the fam. this is the first messege board i've ever been on but i'm glad i choose the jjfp.com board were the real fans are. :2thumbs:
  7. thank you guy's for the warm welcome i became fan of jjfp's through fresh prince of bel air i remember seeing the summertime video after one of the episodes i was i fan from then on homebase was the first album of theirs i bought and then code red i went and looked for their other albums after that.
  8. hey i just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone my names antione i can't wait to talk jjfp with you guy's i'm new to posting so forgive me if i mess up anyone's name
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