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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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willreign last won the day on October 19 2013

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About willreign

  • Birthday 09/29/1987

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    Music, Production, Rap. Hip Hop...

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  1. Good to be back everyone. I hope I will manage to buy a tickets.spymuseum.org & arrive to the show.
  2. well I just wanted to express my feelings in 1 word - UNBELIVIBLE. that's it. I've been waiting long enough for this kind of news.
  3. well the song is cool... I don't know how much it is appropriate for 9 y.o girl. in 2:47 in the song it's sound like the "whooo" of Will... I think that in the future we need to have 2 different sections (or more) for Will's kids...
  4. wow, you made a great job!... I missed you guys...
  5. well If you don't like the artist don't hear the song at all... it's just 2 line in the song and it's pretty good I think... and i'm sorry Jazzy Julie I have to talk about it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RGxgWoefdI...feature=related check it out... from the next Dre album Detox... 50 like WS Pursuit of Happyness... Have a nice week end... BTW check out this link http://sderot.aish.com/SderotPetitions/15Seconds.php (that's what we been throw in the last 8 {!!!} years) BTW 2 in my city there's a new cinema theater and in the front there's a big WS painting... you got to see it...
  7. well the movie was GREAT! my friend told me in the brake how there's a m,oral for all WS movies and they are created in beautiful way... of curse I agreed. I can't wait to see his next movie...
  8. may be a verse from like from shark tale... I WANT TELL ME WHY ! ! !
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