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Everything posted by willreign
[quote=Prince,Jul 5 2004, 05:13 PM][quote=willreign,Jul 5 2004, 04:29 PM] we can make sub web sitest... I can make web site (basic one) just in hebrew "rock the house" in the same base just in German and so on and so on...[/quote] You mean and forward all visitors to jazzyjefffreshprince.com? For anyone that wants it... Tim, anyone interested in forwarding people automatically to this website... Heres the coding for one webpage to automatically forward people to this site... For a blank page, with some writing on it to say the page is loading, and if it fails then to click a link, use this coding: <html> <head> <title>Jazzy Jeff Fresh Prince</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL=http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com"> </head> <body> <p><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Page is loading...<br> <br> If it fails to load, click <a href="http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com">here</a>.</font></p> </body> </html> You may want to personalise it slightly if you want, but that'll work. [/quote] No, no, no!!!... you havne't understood... we have web site ok? a patern of web site... then every one from every contrey will wright on WS bio, disc, movies... in short... and in the end every1 will put a link 2 this web site and when the person press on the link 2 the forum or in Hebrew forum (lol) he come 2 here!...
[quote=Prince,Jul 5 2004, 05:08 PM][quote=willreign,Jul 5 2004, 04:29 PM] we all can pay something like 2$ a mouth (or more) 2 the web site... and ppl who pay will b golden members...[/quote] Things like "golden members" is how you get arrogance in communities. Besides, cheap skates like me aren't going to pay money each month so I can post as a "gold member" lol. [/quote] so we won't call them like that... but it can defently b worth it... in 10 ppl will pay 2$ we have 20$ in mounth 120 in half year it is alot of money...!!! what is "arrogance"??? every 1 that pays have the right 2 do something... I don't know we will figure it out... but we need money... for the web site and for tim 2 but things that they are more quality...
in Israel is HOT HOT HOT... I know that where AJ lives is very cold... in this time in the year he allways complain that it cold... and he don't know what is summertime lol...
I defently in top 10!!!... man I need 2 go out more... and what is real world any way? I don't know what is that thing called the sun... lol...
we all can pay something like 2$ a mouth (or more) 2 the web site... and ppl who pay will b golden members... we can make sub web sitest... I can make web site (basic one) just in hebrew "rock the house" in the same base just in German and so on and so on...
[quote=DevilsJim89,Jul 5 2004, 01:48 PM]Personally I don't like when he brings family onto the album. Just do his thing and keep the family off the album.[/quote] WS got 2 the records him mother, father, grandmother, wife and his 3 kids... man that's alot...
my web site was in the begining of the results... when you wrote "Will Smith" you got my web site in the secound page or very close... so what u say? do u want?
very nice... good work!!!
we can open another WS web site and put the banners in every page... and every page will b directed 2 this forum and the main website... I want 2 bring back my old web site...
I want 2 use 1 to... now it's 1:30 in the night so :night: and this dude looks like he came out from "So fresh" clip :afro: and what is dink? :dink:
boring game... Greece won altho Portogal was dominent... nice game not more... all the euro was nice +... the thing that I liked in the game was the part with the fan that thro himself 2 the greece gool lol...
man I heared the song "thous who can rap, MC" this song is great!!! "You a bunch of fools, you and your minor crew. “Jacked, I shot myself in the leg coz I’m f*cking crazy like that”" that creacked me up!!!... lol... you rulez in lyrics...!!!
Yep I saw an articel in the daly news paper in the section of the games... I can scan it and translate it... it kinda riped up co's I saved it in wrong palce but it's in good shape...
ammm i'm sceptical (w/ u wright it)... I don't think he should b in defjem... they R from the west WS isn't connected 2 them... and ludacris, chingy and Will toghether in the same label is just not right... and if Will and Jeff will come back toghether 4 a full disc they will just look like 2 old guys that try 2 remake they great career and i'm not sure it will work... I think that just 3 or 4 tracks from all the disc need 2 b with Jeff not more...
when u say something like that in the next time put links of that like this: [url="http://www.splashnews.com/photoslist.pgi?UNID=puuzkeggsimggaoapxsuqzwbmggvsctvemlwzxcfozlucccevzopsvajtkrhsgtxghblbofeincrdofjohhbazntvzkxaavbsskjtduemqdvcao&RI=2336019&DM=&RF=1&CR=1&OR=will%20smith&EX=&LG=2&SY=0&HO=0&SR=smith%7C2966&NODEID=&DT=1088934715"]http://www.splashnews.com/photoslist.pgi?U...=&DT=1088934715[/url] co's I enterd the getty and wireimage... and haven't found it... but thanks!...
p.s I have a program that can reduce the bad sound... this is the best I could do with this quality... [url="http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/gallery/albums/userpics/willreign/privet/rmbint3.mp3"]http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/galler...vet/rmbint3.mp3[/url]
ok ok I know I made a mistake... but every secound word in English that I wright is wrong... sorry just don't kill me...
[quote=Hero1,Jul 2 2004, 04:51 AM]someone buy me a video card and i'll put the video up :nana:[/quote] I don't have the money for your video card... bit the interview is great...
ins USA or Europ?...
I don't understand in the numbers but I say: 186$ USA 354$ world wide 500$ total gross... (all in millions ofcurs...)
[quote=WildWildWillennium,Jul 1 2004, 07:48 PM][quote=Sandy,Jul 1 2004, 02:00 PM]aggggggg can somebody help me and tell me how i can post a picture in here!!!!!I try but all pages I find to can post pics don't work!!!! :dunno: ..I feel stupid!!!!hahhahahhahah [/quote] Reply -> Click IMG -> Enter URL of pic Did u try that? [/quote] she needs 2 upload the pics first... right?
"I still have a very bad taste in my mouth from The Wild Wild West - the last film which suffered at the hands of the "Let's make this a Will Smith 'Independence Day' flick"" yeppp I have that taste 2 man... it is ok u r not alone... I hope this movie will b blockbaster sucess like every WILL SMITH MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks on that Da barkes...
until 2007 WS working on movies that what I know... and until I hear an statment from Will or record label I won't belive that news... I don't like 2 b scaptical but in this situation I have 2 be...
Timbaland is a great producer i'm sure... and as we can c with this patty pabelo (or w/ his name is) and Timbaland WS is 2 do hardcore RAP... and my expectaions are high...!!!