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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willreign

  1. from what I know this is WS crib... more a castel then crib... look nice [img]http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/gallery/albums/userpics/willreign/privet/25millh.jpg[/img]
  2. I havne't understood... sorry...
  3. I don't know the time diffrence so I don't know if ill come...
  4. [img]http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/gallery/albums/userpics/willreign/send.jpg[/img] after long disscution with myself I decises 2 put my pic here co's I remmemberd that u saw me already... so this is me... I have a pic with BB2 poster but I look more ugly in there... BTW 2 DevilJim89 the poster of code red look awasam...!!!
  5. happy b.day 2 the coolest memmber in the board... and remmember that 3cookie is always right lol...
  6. all of these are great... what we need now is 2 promot with thouse pics...
  7. we are your support group... We Love you Prince...
  8. Happy birth day mannnn!!!... how old r u?
  9. I can print u 1 and send it 2 u lol... or I can send u a pic in the internet...
  10. Ja rule... is so girly... his songs more softer then J.lo... in Israel we call him pussy... he allways tuch him self like horney teenager...
  11. I think Lil Bow Wow... take this battel... he is sucks and have full of ego that he isn't desrve it... romeo is cool...
  12. MANNN the cover looks greattt... thanks...
  13. first of all the banners look nice... secind my final test in friday... 3rd... I've blasted JJFP recored this week...
  14. deffently MIB... in Israel it runs in the TV alottt... I know all the script... lol...
  15. Bizarre have no flow and no nuttin'... chingy is pretty good...
  16. first of all ja rule is stinks so my vote goes 4 him deffently... and I thing nelly is telented (not that telented... but good)... ja rule just a big girly rapper... I can't explain it in english but in Israel we don't like him... now my secound vote goes 2 p.didy pidy pioff (or w/ his name is)... altho I don't know who is Jermaine Dupri...
  17. the last time I saw TRL was in USA im sure...
  18. HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I posted a msg on this... why not write it in the msg?... missed it?...
  19. can some 1 tell us when it will b aried in europ?...
  20. Father's Day is almost here, and kids around the world are scrambling for some last-minute gifts. But just because you're a dad doesn't mean you're not sexy -- take it from supermodel Giselle Bundchen and Victoria's Secret, who are paying tribute to some of Hollywood's hottest pops. "Will Smith, he was chosen because he's very family-oriented," Giselle told us. "And Tom Hanks, he's very charismatic, and Conan O'Brien is really funny." Sting and Benjamin Bratt also made the list of hot fathers, but Giselle admitted she's still daddy's little girl, telling us, "My dad is the sexiest man in the whole world." She did add, however, that her dad wouldn't be too happy with some of her sexier photos. "He'd be like ‘she's my daughter ­ what is she doing!?'" Oprah Winfrey is celebrating Father's Day on her show Friday with dads Billy Crystal and Kurt Russell. "I sat down with the kids at one time and said, ‘I need a name you can all call me," Russell tells Oprah. "My kids, Goldie, your kids, our kids we have together,' and Katie said, 'How about Pop?'" Pop it is then. Wednesday night in Los Angeles, the stars told "Extra" about their own big plans for Pop's Day. "I'm going to my Uncle Charlie Wilson's house," Snoop Dogg revealed. "I'm taking my sons up there and my daughter. We might go by the Playboy Jazz Festival later that night." But Christina Applegate wasn't telling. "It's actually a secret," she insisted. Come on, Christina -- we won't tell! For more on how the stars will spend their Father's Day, tune into Thursday's edition of "Extra." _________________________________ [url="http://extratv.warnerbros.com/dailynews/extra/0604/06_17d.html"]http://extratv.warnerbros.com/dailynews/ex...604/06_17d.html[/url] _________________________________ happy father's day Will...
  21. DARKER???? DARKER??????????? I don't want 2 c Will Smith darker... for what??? I don't wanna b surpried 2 c Will darker... that's not y i'm going 2 WS movies!!! I want 2 c him do the work properly.... and Isaac Asimov's fan complain the storey is loosly... WHY??? I complain that Will don't do good music in the past 3-4 years.... some1 cars about it? some1 right it in news papers???... how much quation marks can I put in 1 msg??? on what I complain about???
  22. thank you man on the translation...
  23. they love us... they relly love us... awwww...
  24. llllllllmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooo.......... bitch lol... the bitches dressing less?...
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