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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willreign

  1. look at this [url="http://www.hellomagazine.com/profiles/willsmith/?view=jobs"]web site[/url] and see what they wrote... I robot realess in 2003 and no B2R cd... :bowrofl: that funny...
  2. Yo JJFP2k pin it 2 all the forums pages can u do it?
  3. as I know will signed new on new movie contract...
  4. Great GREAT!!! I didn't know it would with 8 msgs... 1,000 kisses A one two a one two A thousand kisses from you is never to much I licked your back and then kissed 3 little kids that look just like you Because it's 4 o'clock and at 5:15 you are comin' home and "Big Will Lil' Jaden Ha ha [b]2002 [/b] Tra-Knox What? All my love Everything I got baby" keep finding numbers good luck
  5. if you could speak Hebrew I could send you great web site...
  6. if not let the game die... the game is like this... every 1 need 2 give a song of Will that he is rapping in numbers... ill give u one exmpels... miami... Five-hundred degrees Miami my second home An if you ask how I know I gots to plead the fifth there are alot of songs that Will sing with numbers... just hear... good luck in the game...
  7. lol i've voted twice... and u welcom on the link...
  8. [url="http://www.mtv.com/onair/movieawards/ma04/nominees/"]http://www.mtv.com/onair/movieawards/ma04/nominees/[/url] here is the link...
  9. Seperate I think... it more easy 2 loos like that lol...
  10. we had chat room? lol... I didn't know...
  11. I hope it is a joke... and as I c we don't like it and the fans of d-12 and Em either...
  12. mannn he is in London??? I want 2 go 2 there... just 5H flight!!!... 2 c Will...!!! I wantt 2 c HIMMM!!!
  13. in D-12 forum (got there just once really) I saw the first MSG and saw that Will will produce some songs in Eminem new album... then I ask myself... really? then I answerd yes (yep thats me) then I asked myself WHY??? then I havnt got the answer... [url="http://www.d12online.com/bboard/forumname/viewtopic.asp?TopicID=1473960&topic=EMINEM+next+album+is+gon+be+produced+by+WILL+SMITH&forumID=22"]the link 2 d-12 forum[/url]
  14. don't know what u think... I think it looks like six dgress of sepitration style...
  15. mannn... I don't catch nuttin giid in my T.v... I want 2 c it 2...
  16. noooo... u havnet get the maasage of the clip... lol... it's humor he laugh on that he is so famous and all the girls love him and all d12 are unknon ("where obie and dre???") look at bizzare when he id doing 50cent sport acts... this is funney...
  17. Will is good man... no matter how much money he won't b cheep or ugly guy (from the inside)... he has good heart... that the kind of Will im talking about!!!... when will he arrive 2 Israel?
  18. I hope... do u think may b rank 8 is good for the movie? not getting our hopes in the sky?... ill go defently at 8.... and still remmember there's another movie sharktale p.s I told my father in the car yesterday... in the summer time and lil after ill have hard work in Will smith time... 2 movies and may b a cd... ill b all day long just in the comp... I don't remmeber what he said lol... but I know I was (am and still) exited!
  19. yeah I remmember this time of year... blurr but remmeber... every time I rewind it 2 the begining and listen all over again... when I was happy\said\do home work (sad lol)... ahhh it was nice time... now I want more good music... Will WAKE UPPP MAAANNN... some 1 can slap him for me... 2 get him 2 business?... co's it not ill do it!
  20. d12 - purple pills d12 - my band...
  21. Big Will... I think that all of u know that I like Will in this perioud of time then back in the days... more sirious Will, Father, familly man... movie satr (altho I don't like it all the time)... I love the songs from 3 solos then all the music he made with Jeff... (altho I love the scratching) I choose big Will altho I have a loving spot in my heart...
  22. ofcurs lovley dayz... but what is "new kids on the block"?
  23. [quote]Stop signing movies! Sign a damn label contract and produce music. jeezs. movies will never end or a least put on hold for a while. [/quote] wow Jim u look angrey... and jazzy julie is 2 optimistic I think lol... don't worry... Will will do a tour (in his movie)
  24. I have the final test of the year 2 finish school... and I learned on Madagaskar in the hollocast of my peaple... (Jews) and I treid 2 remmember from where then I remmberd that it was in WS song... so in that place hit... (I can't say his name) wanted 2 send the jews 2 kill them in "natrual" ways... hit... loved the Idea and wanted 2 send the jews 2 there... but b'cos the war started and they had 2 change the astratagy the mission failed... it was good that that idea wasn't done... today and tomarow is the day of hollocast, tomarow there will b an alarm for 2 min 2 remmember all 6 million ppl who died... :tear: :tear: :tear: now... every time you will hear "from Japan to Madagaskar they wanna c me" remmember what could happend if some1 could give the orders... lil history for u guys and girls... it's painfull... and hurt...
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