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Posts posted by FreshPrincess

  1. however, i think when ur young and 16 years old u shouldn't be messing around with guys that are 23 cuz u know they're only after one thing.

    i have to disagree. ok some guys might be like that but i've gotta say we went out for 3 years and not once did i ever feel like he pushed me into anything.

    and Julie, i know what you mean about not being slutty. Some guys seem to only wanna know you if you're crude, outspoken and up for anything. I always think that's the problem with meeting guys when you go out; there are always girls there that are doing the most outrageous things on a dancefloor. It always really annoys me to see girls lower themselves simply to get male attention.

  2. Meaning I'm 22 and the thought of dating a 16 year old girl is totally absurd. And even when I turn 36, I can't imagine myself hitting on a 20 year old girl. Gross!

    I'm sorry Michelle, maybe I'm just old fashioned. :thatspdiddybad:

    oh ok i get what you mean. no need to apologise. You've gotta understand tho that each time they've thought i was older and then have been unable to deny their feelings for me :lolsign:

  3. I'm 16 and have just got a saturday job as a cashier in a supermarket. Before i know it i've got some 23 year old saying how much he likes me and how he wants to take me out.

    But it turns out he's 36!! that's right..36!!!!!! So the other day he says that he likes me and thinks we should go out for a drink

    Isn't this wrong? :ponder:

    what d'ya mean?

  4. wow, now this is an interesting topic.

    ok, i'm gonna keep it brief just because at the mo we're not really on good terms so i can't really bothered to talk about him, but i'll fill you all in some other time.

    2001 - I'm 16 and have just got a saturday job as a cashier in a supermarket. Before i know it i've got some 23 year old saying how much he likes me and how he wants to take me out. So i said i'd like to get to get to know him first. I know this is gonna sound really cheesy coz a lot of girls say it but i really do look for personality in a guy, and i need to be able to talk to someone and feel comfortable doing so. Anyway it turned out that we got on really well so we started seeing each other. Although we did have to overcome a lot of issues (one of them being the fact that he was shorter than me...god dammit i hate being tall!) i suppose most of our time together was cool. But in March of this year, after being together for 3 years, we both decided that we wanted different things so we split up. Obviously this is very condensed but as i said i'll fill y'all in at some point!

    Oh yeah and to top it all off he now wants to get back together with me...but i don't.

    Anywayz so recently i've been chatting this guy at work. He's a really nice guy and we really get on and everything was going great until we were both on a break talking and we happened to reveal to each other how old we both are. I thought he was about 26/7, which would have been fine, and he thought i was abouth 25, which also would have been fine. But it turns out he's 36!! that's right..36!!!!!! Why can't life be simple??!! So the other day he says that he likes me and thinks we should go out for a drink but i don't know. Although i like him i'm not really sure how it could work.

    Advice please people!!!

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