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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


JJFP.com Potnas
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Posts posted by FreshPrincess

  1. Aw, you guys are gonna be so mad if he performs Switch.

    If someone had told me 6 months ago that i'd be seeing so many JJFP performances i wouldn't have believed them, so i'm grateful they've been perfoming it everywhere, and although i do admit it's wearing a bit thin, i keep telling myself that there will eventually come a time when he's filming again and i'll be praying for Switch performances intead lol. :1-say-yes:

    Having said that, I, too hope that he performs Party Starter, it would be amazing to see live again, cuz they kept interrupting the MTV performance with split screen stuff....so bring on Party Starter, but i'll be almost as happy if he does Switch! :jazzy:

    However that is just my personal opinion, looking at it from another angle it is the PERFECT oppertunity do promote the new single and raise album sales...so i hear what you're all sayin....

  2. thanx 4 taking some time out 2 explain that 2 me and every1 else on the board! it means a lot!  :2thumbs: u should post more often, i just noticed ur a premium potna and the 5th member ever 2 register here. post man!!  :1-say-yes:


    i was confused too so thanks for clearing that up!

    hope to see you around more often!! :2thumbs:

  3. This is so hard that i havent even chosen yet! Firstly, i'd like to say that the inclusion of WWW on Willennium i consider a good thing, i love it!

    Anywayz, L+F is simply fantastic, i was blown away when i first heard it and i love the fact that i can listen to it all the way through without skipping any, which i can't do on Willennium; tracks like La Fiesta and Da Butta i just seem to listen to about a minute of before i wanna skip. HOWEVER, tracks like Potnas, The Rain, So Fresh and Afro Angel more than make up for that, they're just amazng.

    Then there's tracks like I Wish I Made That/Swagga, Tell Me Why etc on L+F that i love, so i really can't choose...one minute i think L+F and the next i think Willennium.......ooooh decisions decisions! :wait:

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