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Posts posted by FreshPrincess

  1. oh yeah Wes, it is that expensive in the UK, it costs about £40 to fill my car, which is just under $80! Car's in the US are normally much less efficient than over here tho, mine does roughly 40miles per gallon i think...

    damn what car do u drive? It costs less than £30 to fill my whole car. Its a ford Fiesta ( i know its crap, im getting a new 1 in the summer, dont laugh lol).

    Hey Missy! I'll have you know i have a Ford Fiesta and i love it!! :lolsign:

    seriously tho, i can fill mine up for about £25....but i hardly ever do, my cars lucky if i put a fiver in! the people at the petrol station must think i'm so cheap!

    sorry lol its just mine thats crap, they key doesnt even go in the ignition properly and it takes about 5 mins to start it, then the other day it cut out while i was going round a corner, i swear my car is going to kill me one day.

    my ex boyfriends sierra decided to die once and we ended up in a ditch on new years day....but that's another story!

  2. eminem also wore the mask to accept an award and he did an impression of Will receiving an award, i guess its an easy impression to do since we have seen Will do that so often lol. The audience wasnt really laughing at it tho. :thumbsdown:

    And that mask is nothing like Will, its ugly! Some1 should buy it tho and go to a fancy dress party and tell us how it goes lol.

    i remember that! lol i remember being so offended!

    he just kept saying "aw man! thanks man! aw man! thanks! thanks man!" :uhh:

  3. oh yeah Wes, it is that expensive in the UK, it costs about £40 to fill my car, which is just under $80! Car's in the US are normally much less efficient than over here tho, mine does roughly 40miles per gallon i think...

    damn what car do u drive? It costs less than £30 to fill my whole car. Its a ford Fiesta ( i know its crap, im getting a new 1 in the summer, dont laugh lol).

    Hey Missy! I'll have you know i have a Ford Fiesta and i love it!! :lolsign:

    seriously tho, i can fill mine up for about £25....but i hardly ever do, my cars lucky if i put a fiver in! the people at the petrol station must think i'm so cheap!

  4. maybe you've got one of those overactive thyroid conditions were u just keep growing until your about 7 foot. kinda like Jaws from James Bond (i think thats what his name was).

    I stopped growing when i was about 15, unfortunatly i stopped at 5"1.

    lucky you! i'm 5'11"/6' and i hate being tall! lol most of the guys i know are shorter than me!

    Do you speak like Barry White to? :) In that case I think I dreamed about you last night!

    that's the craziest thing i've evr heard in my life! lmao!!

  5. maybe you've got one of those overactive thyroid conditions were u just keep growing until your about 7 foot. kinda like Jaws from James Bond (i think thats what his name was).

    I stopped growing when i was about 15, unfortunatly i stopped at 5"1.

    lucky you! i'm 5'11"/6' and i hate being tall! lol most of the guys i know are shorter than me!

  6. Fan, I think she is your soulmate. Don't screw it up. :thumb:

    right, don't screw her up!

    whoops, i mean don't screw IT up! :kekeke: (lame attempt at a joke)

    :hilarious: :hilarious:

    man i tried 2 get that single also, i ordered it brand new from some online store and they couldn't find it 2 me so they cancelled it. one of these days i'll get a credit card and get in2 EBay tho and it'll be all good

    that's a shame coz it's one of the JJFP singles i see most of over here. I got mine for £0.99 a few years ago.

  7. ok, my turn...

    well i'm 19 years old, i started uni last september doing a course in primary education because i REALLY wanna work with children, however, i hated it, so i quit after four months of hell. So i am currently just working as many hours as i can at Safeway (wow, lucky me) and i am aiming to study early years next september or get a proper job. I'm not dissing people that work in supermarkets, it's just never been what i wanted to do lol.

    At school i liked everything really, was a bit of a bof at first but that didn't last long! I took my maths GCSE 6 months early and managed to also get a GCSEs in Statistics, triple Science and the usual stuff. I wasn't as good at college, but managed to get A-Levels in Media Studies, English Language, French and an AS in Spanish.

    I've played the flute since i was 11, i took to it naturally at school and never had any lessons and i cant read music but i play by ear, so you could say any song and i'd give it a go! I also love singing, but i'm too shy to sing in public (which people who know me have a go at me for!) but it's just not me.

    And finally, my fave celeb peeps are JJFP (as if you didnt know), and Jim Carrey...i think he's absolutely fantastic!! Although i'm not as big on him as i am on JJFP, i'm still quite obsessed!

    well i think that's it. so if you've managed to read this much about me i commend you!


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