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Posts posted by FreshPrincess

  1. well i remember the first time i went to my x-boyfriends flat he had BWS, Willennium, MIB, ID4, Made in America, Enemy of The State.....so i thought ooooooh, i could grow to like you lol.....but seriously, i know that he would never have made me choose coz he isn't that kinda guy, i just hope the next guy i fall for isn't a hater, that would just be wierd!!

    but to answer the question, cuz i strayed from the point a bit, a real soulmate shouldn't expect you to give up anything you enjoy or that makes you happy.

  2. lol i was downloading some pictures off kazaa or something, some pics were really good and i came across one called gay Will Smith. I thought it would be a funny pic of Will messing around, but omg i was so wrong. I opened it and some1 had stuck Wills head on some naked guys body.

    Needless to say i deleted that pic pretty damn quick before my dad found it on the comp. My poor inocent mind has never been the same since lol.

    :hilarious: :hilarious:

  3. this is really hard! coz it's all very well planning what you're gonna say but then when the moment arrives it all goes wrong...believe me!

    At the Hitch premiere i really wanted to ask about Lost and Found, what it was gonna be like....or ask him where Jeff was, coz he wasn't there....but i probably ended up sounding like a total Loretta telling him how fantastic he was, and then i felt really embarassed, coz he gets that all the time!

    Anyway one things for sure if i actually had the chance to speak to him properly i'd be going on about this site for hours!

  4. i'm having trouble deciding coz i wanna vote for I Wish I Made that but i think that i'll be doing it just coz it's my fave song on the album, rather than thinking of what would be best to release as a single, if ya know what i mean....

    ...anywayz i'm gonna think about it and vote later.

  5. thanx Julie, i had fun readin it. i think our questions were a lot better than some of the ones they asked on there tho!

    ahem.....Julie??!! :kekeke:

    ahh! :scared2: i'm sorry Michelle! u and Julie are almost like the same person 2 me. u both type similar and say similar things and live in the same part of the world so i guess that's how i got u mixed up. sorry! :juskiddin:

    leave me alone :tear: a girl makes 1 mistake after a hard days work and she gets ridiculed for the rest of her life.


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