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Based on a True Story is out now! Will Smith's first album in 20 years ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by FreshPrincess

  1. wow.....can't believe he's gonna perform...this is great!! thanks for the link
  2. Kev this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done, it captures the day so well!!!!
  3. Last night's game was totally great for me...my mum is half italian and my dad is spanish so it was a little tense...but i was behind Spain and i'm soooooooooo glad they won!!! Bring it on Russia!!
  4. :yeahthat: i agree completely!!
  5. awww bless him. Nice article.
  6. this is fantastic!! i'm just gutted i missed it...looked on channel4.com but couldn't find anything.
  7. Will is gonna be on Jonathan Ross again on Fri, 27th June
  8. me either...been looking in the tv guide for this week but can't see anything. Really wanna know what channel it was for!
  9. hehe!! these are great!! well done Kim!!
  10. that's a really good point Kev, we're not uninterested interviewers with a set of questions to ask, we're fans and you, as a fan, asked him a specific question about his music career, which surely tells him how much we all want a new album.
  11. :rofl: not after you wouldn't lend me your hoodie!! :rofl:
  12. haha...yeah, how could we forget "T" lol we should have asked him for a photo!!! He was SO funny...even if i did get a little embarassed at the time!! :ohdear:
  13. haha yeah he was chief photographer...lol only the first few were from my camera!
  14. ok, here are most of my photos: Hancock UK Premier Photos
  15. I'm feeling really happy....ok so he didn't perform, but we all had a great time finally meeting up and at least we saw him....gonna post pics later on xx
  16. that's fantastic news!!!! aaarrrrgghhh i can't wait!!!
  17. oh my god i'm just so excited right now, haven't been able to get on the net the past couple of days and the forum is so hyped right now!!!! fantastic!!!!!
  18. i totally agree with you guys...the show is gonna be GREAT and so s meeting up after all these years!!
  19. haha, that was funny!!! lol at him gettin the words wrong!!!!!
  20. I think over here we get it one of those channel five channels (Five US, Five Life, or Fiver...lol whatever it's called at the mo) but sometimes they're really old ones...guess we're just gonna have to keep our eyes peeled.
  21. It must have been a copyright issue! that's such a shame...they're amazing!!
  22. haha yeah, saw this when it was on tv...fantastic!!
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