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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by FreshPrincess

  1. Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff singles (including JJ in Sheffield Bootleg coz i forgot to put it in the albums pic!)
  2. ok, i'm too lazy to type mine so here you go! Albums:
  3. aaarrrggg! I'd love love a copy of that :tear:
  4. lol i would have screamed at that when i was Willow's age... i got scared of Baloo when i was about 5 and was taken to see a stage prodution of The Jungle Book!
  5. True, if i wasn't a huge fan i wouldn't have really known he even had an album coming out. Kind of off topic but just thought i'd tell you all. I was in Lakeside (shopping center) the other day and i went into HMV and guess what was on??!!! TELL ME WHY!!! Everyone was walking round nodding their heads on time to the music! I couldn't believe it! I thought it would be the whole album but just as i was preparing for I Wish I Made That something else came on. I'm thinking they were playing random tracks from new releases.
  6. I think Ali too! I can hear him sayin it in Ali's voice!
  7. :werd: good news Switch hasn't fallen out of the top10 but L+F at number 15?? People don't know what they're missing out on. :nono:
  8. that pic is so cute! there are some really mine ones over at gettyimages at the mo...
  9. Hi new people!!! you're all gonna love it here, so be sure to stick around!!! :dancingcool:
  10. dunno if someone's already asked this but what time does the webcast start UK time?
  11. that's really great news! why can't i get a surprise like that lol?
  12. i know it used to be on Ftn...but i dunno if it still is. I think i can get it on an Italian channel but still in English with Italian subtitles. If not, i think we'll be relying on MaxFly!!!!! :wiggle:
  13. i know, it's ridiculous. but even Will has said that he wouldn't mind, it's just some people in the US wouldn't like it....
  14. great news! thanks for the info everyone!
  15. well i'm gonna add my little bit to this by continuing the praise! I was a member of the old willsmith.net Sony board as some of you will remember. When that ended i didn't know what to do lol and i didn't even know this board existed, so for a couple of years i managed to survive (i don't know how) just surfing the net and finding the latest news. Then eventually i stumbeled across this site, i was a lurker for quite a while and then i saw some familiar names, AJ, Tim etc and thought "yeah, i'll join again!" and the rest is history!! Everything a JJ+FP fan could wish for is here and it's fantastic, thanks everone :kiss:
  16. lol there's a lot of confusion here, so im gonna clear it up. I read a similar article, which stated that IF Cameron Diaz had starred with Will in Hitch (i think they wanted her to play the part originally) then there would have been problems caused by this in the States...
  17. That review is great, i don't think i've ever heard as much positive feedback about Will's projects like we're hearing now!
  18. GOD BLESS USED RECORD STORES!!!! If it wasn't for my local used record store i wouldn't have half of the JJ+FP singles i now own... they sell old second hand singles for 99p!! Bargain!!
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