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Everything posted by DannYDJ
Hey What have you heard about Time Share. All I know is, that Will is going to play together with Nicolas Cage. Plz Help Me Daniel
If you are a huge Will Smith fan, then buy the movie, but i dont recommend the movie. To buy the movie, through e-bay or something like that, is waste of money. Thats my opinion abut the movie, but Will is playing very good, its just the movie... its bad...really bad. I bought it, and its waste of time and money. But i know that big Will Smith fans will see all hes movies, but im warning you, its waste of money and time... All for now DannYDj, Webmaster www.willsmith.dk
Ok...Thanks I´ve read that the movie is going to cinemas in 2006.
Hey I were just looking at Will Smiths profile on www.Imdb.com, and there I saw the movie: Tonight, He comes. But does anyone know anything about that movie. Like when the movie is planned to get in the cinemas or what the movie is about? Hope you will take a look on it. See ya DannYDJ---Webmaster on www.willsmith.dk
Hey I, Daniel and my friend, Jonas, have started a Will Smith fansite, so if you are interested in making a Swedish, or Norwegian part of our Danish fansite: WillSmithDK, please give some respons...! Also, if you are from one of the nordic countrys. please visit our site, and become an active member... :) Greetings DannYDJ & WillSmith.1go.DK
Hey guys I would like to ask you about some questions!! number 1: Whats the name of hes new cd? number 2: When is the album coming out in Europa? I hope you can answer my questions... Thanks for now DannYDJ
I've been looking for that movie in many years, and im still looking, but i haven't yet found it. Greetings DannYDJ [url="http://www.willsmith.1go.dk"]http://www.willsmith.1go.dk[/url]
It sounds good
Hey I have think about to make an english version of my homepage, but im from Denmark, so my english is not that perfect yet. But... do you still think, that I shall make an english version of my Danish Homepage? [url="http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk"]http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk[/url] Greetings DannYDJ
Hey I have think about to make an english version of my homepage, but im from Denmark, so my english is not that perfect yet. But... do you still think, that I shall make an english version of my Danish Homepage? [url="http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk"]http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk[/url] Greetings DannYDJ
Hi I have with my friend maked a homepage about Will Smith. Its in Danish, but i still think its a good page, so please check it out. And if you like our page, make a user, and then you can write with other will smith fans. Greetings DannYDJ [url="http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk"]http://www.willsmithdk.1go.dk[/url]
OK, thanks.
I think it maybe is a play to pc og PS2 or something like that, or something like that
Hey I have just seen on imdb.com that Will Smith has maked a film with the name "Men in Black Alien Attack". Its from year 2000, and Men in Black 1 was maked in 1997 and MIIB was maked in 2002. So... what is Men in Black Alien Attack?? is it a movie or a trailer to MIIB?? Please help me with my question. Greetings DannYDJ
Thanks for the interview. It really describes what a great person Will is. DannYDJ
What do you think about Will Smiths new movie I, Robot? I saw it in Denmark to the gala performance. I think the movie is one of his best. Its fantastic maked, and incredible real. So it got ****** 6/6 stars. Greetings DannYDJ
There is many, but dumb dumbere, and some films with Adam Sandler. But in series, i think "Everybody loves Raymond" is the best, but also "Fresh prince of bel air" and "Step by Step" are very funny Greetings DannYDJ
no, i have never been thinking about which shoes he is wearing. So unfortunately can't i help you, but try to search the internet after other sites where you maybe can find a answer, if you not yet have tryed that. Greetings DannYDJ
I can't either rememb any chapters where he is rapping
unfortunately am i not going to meet him. But i look forward to see him on close range and not just in movies. Before the film starts he are going up to the scene and present the film. greeting DannYDJ
Hej jeg hører du er fra Danmark, og det er sandt at Mr. Smith kommer til Danmark til gallapremieren. Faktisk har jeg købt billetter til gallapremieren gennem biozonen da jeg er VIP-medlem, så jeg får mulighed for at se ham på tæt hold, desværre skal jeg ikke møde ham. Hilsen DannYDJ Translating from danish to english: Hey, i hear you are from Denmark, and it is true that Will Smith are coming to Denmark to the premiere on I Robot. In fact i have bought tickets to the premiere. greetings DannYDJ
Im from Denmark, and i have looking for the oldest Will Smith cds, but i cant find them. I really want these cds where Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff are rapping together. Does somebody know where i can buy these cds on the internet. DannYDJ