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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willsmithfan1

  1. Yeah this forum is the best one.
  2. What has a kangeroo got to do with anything? :what: australia man, australia! Oh ok. Um...but what's that got to do with the topic?
  3. What has a kangeroo got to do with anything? :what:
  4. I don't think a lot of people would join cos all of us are staying here. (Most of us I think) I won't be goin and joining other JJFP forums.
  5. Yeah I know but I'm only asking cos we are all doing that. Btw, FuQ - Str8 Fire
  6. Are we supposed to post a song each time we switch songs? This thread will be like a 100 pages long... FuQ - 4 Us
  7. I'm listening to it. It's really good. So is this the new track that you have been talking about? :thumb:
  8. Oh, yeah I heard for the 1st time on tv. I thought it was old.
  9. What's a stan? Never heard of it... :what: A stan is a die-hard fan! Oh right. Thanks 4 clearin that up.
  10. Yeah I saw him a couple of times. Do the characters use any fat jokes on him?
  11. DAMN! Havent got Real Player. Is there a Windows Media Player version?
  12. lloyd banks on fire is the best to compare it too..in that it has all these cool sounds goin in the background..the drum beat is really strong.. i think its great wills gonna finally come out with a real hip hop single..not some pop/rap sampling track for a change ahhhhhh I just wanna hear the song !! :bang: We all do but we still gotta wait...don't know how long though. It's driving us mad. :daedulus:
  13. Ohhh I get it now. Yeah. I got you saved on my D Drive. I saved you so I can put you on my mp3 player so I can listen to you wherever I go. I also listened to it from my folder. So I don't really come on the site. Do you check your plays everyday? Plus, whenever I play your songs, it's saved on my Media Libary on Windows Media Player so I basically play it from there.
  14. Oh right. You talking about Eminem's album? I thought he didn't listn to him. Oh well... Da Brakes - Rock Me (New Beat) Really good. :clap:
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