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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willsmithfan1

  1. yes its easier but i do love the 90's and i aint gonna be writin about wars and stuff. i was thinking about clothesstyles, what ppl did do when they spend time together and stuff like that. I am born 99 and im a computer nerd, so i dont really know if ppl are doing the same stuff together know at their sparetime as they were doin then... dont know if you understand me but well well ^^ Yeah. Cool. Um...You were born in 1999?
  2. You could write something like wars or aeroplane crash. It's easier to choose an earlier year.
  3. maybe you r typing the wrong name or password? :dunno:
  4. Prince always sticks up for him.. :nhawong: yes that is very strange.. in fact prince is denying daedulus has anything to do with what happened :nhawong: Yeah, he will usually be against somebody if they did this but hez not
  5. I knew it had something to do with DM!! :bang: Prince always sticks up for him.. :nhawong:
  6. What the person has done that has affected the way we live now. The best thing that changed the world - what person made that happen? I know the people have done different things but which one means the most to you?
  7. Who do you think the most important person in history is?
  8. the avatars are on the left hand side of above the post count right?
  9. Um...I dont really see anybody with bad avatars
  10. It's not a interesting at the moment cos nobody will reply part from Prince & I
  11. May isn't an option, they are. Tim, did you not say that if some people objected to it then you would consider removing this grotesque image? this is avatars we are talking about right?
  12. Not a lot of people interested then...?
  13. Hmm...Prince is right though. People from the world are posting here young/old children/teenagers/adults may be searching the site..
  14. If anything, from personal studies I have learned that sight is infact at best in the first few weeks after opening their eyes? Talking of pigment... There is somebody that lives near me who is only 13 or so... She lacks pigment. Her eyes are completely white. Her hair is white also. Quite amazing to see, yet tragic at the same time. Yeah there's this boy in HFC (chicken place) & he got a white eye. I dont see him much at all but it doesnt look nice. I feel sorry for all those people though.
  15. Glad someone thinks so :) Its good cos people have to think about it too. Why would they be that particular animal? what makes them like that?
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