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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willsmithfan1

  1. She won't win if we ALL vote for Jada Thanks 4 the link
  2. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  3. And also they mite download it off you and put it as a virus and rename it and you might download the file...
  4. Hey I know this is the wrong topic to put it in...but is it true that Switch is gonna be renamed to something else or is it my dream? Sorry about where I'm posting it..
  5. thanks (I know I'm late but it's the first time I've be in the Jazzyjeff Magnificent forum)
  6. Here is my 2nd paragraph Michael shut his mouth and he glared at his math teacher. “Come in class.” Michael’s math teacher said as held the door open for all the students to pass through. As soon as the students reached all their classes, Michael sneaked out of the classroom when the teacher wasn’t looking and he went to the toilet. “Where’s Michael gone?” The math teacher said furiously. Everybody shrugged and they all looked at each other. Michael was about to walk through the door but he noticed that his math teacher was looking for him and asking other students if they have seen him. Michael stood silently out of the classroom and he was about to go in but the head-teacher caught him. “What are you doing out of your lesson?” The head-teacher shouted loudly as her face started to get red. Michael gulped. “I went to go to the toilet.” Michael replied nervously. “During the lesson?” The head-teacher asked quietly. Michael nodded his head. The head-teacher grabbed his arm and she knocked on Michael’s math teacher’s door. “Come in.” Michael’s math teacher said without looking at the person standing outside the class. The head-teacher turned the door-knob and she entered the classroom with Michael’s arm in one hand.
  7. I'm still listening to the same person...let's see that's been about 2 weeks now!
  8. [quote=Jazzy Julie,Oct 4 2004, 01:38 PM]i got rid of kazaa a while ago, bcoz my firewall wouldnt let me use it. Ive got that soulsearch instead, but i blocked ppl from seeing my files coz im scared incase thay can get to all the really rare jjfp songs i got from here. I tried to download something the other day and this guy was like "let me see your files", so i ran away lol.[/quote] That must be frightening. Somebody trying to see your files!
  9. Be my guest James go ahead and teach them some manners with your fists :sonny:
  10. I know but I don't want to mention him on this site that's why I replaced it with "another celebrity"
  11. Hey I want to change the topic title please because I decided to change the story title too. It's now called The Science Museum. It's the same story but the story fits with the title more. Can somebody help me please? I also changed the story a tiny bit well the first paragraph so I will post that after I have written a copy on paper so I don't lose it :thumb:
  12. Yeah...another celebrity said that he raps bout bees, flowers...
  13. [quote=mfuqua23,Oct 3 2004, 10:13 AM]Hey we can educate U if ya willin 2 take the class. Mobb Deep - Throw Your Hands (Amerikaz Nightmare) =this track was produced by Kanye West. It'z real phat.[/quote] Is it free?
  14. Yeah ages ago, I had Kazaa before I knew people can send you viruses, & P2P always came up with it but now I don't really need to download anything like movies cos I tried Bad Boys2 & I waited for a week and it did work but I didnt have the right Windows Media Player thing.
  15. Well...Prince I don't have a downloading software like Kazaa, do you?
  16. Hmm....He does things another way plus I don't think he will do it till November cos he is so caught up with his work & he needs a lot of sleep...especially after he just came back from America
  17. I finally saw Car Wash today. Sorry what's the link for the topic that's got to do with the track?
  18. Ohh, I'm not gonna download anything rite now, tho I need my dad to rebuild my computer :bang:
  19. Yeah that's funny that one. Im trying to remember the episode
  20. gonna look at the site...give my opinion in a min
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