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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by willsmithfan1

  1. I been voting so much today and won't stop. It's gone over many people today.
  2. Thanks Hero1. We're up to .62% You can also vote as much as you want.
  3. The people that starting it on this board or the other one? It's kind of gettin out of control now. Kind of dumb to argue who's better.
  4. That song is like the funniest song I've heard. Brakes, you know a lot.
  5. I can't see it on the Music Page. Where exactly is it?
  6. Brakes, you gonna put this song on your site?
  7. FuQ - 4 Us :thumb: Next up is.. FuQ - Drop A Gem
  8. Yeah somebody told us that before.
  9. I know if Trouble will play it for one hour cause it comes on at 5pm and ends at 5:30pm so the 2nd half is probably the next day.
  10. The two episodes are together? All I know, there are two parts.
  11. It was really aimed at you but for anybody who missed it, you got a chance to see it again. Watch the upcoming episodes too, Will's gonna be in two more.
  12. Fantastic! So lucky I just read this. Thank you so much. Gone in 30 minutes :thumb:
  13. Thank you so much!!! Is Jazzy Jeff gonna be on any other tracks?
  14. Thanks for that! I'll check it through. Watch the episodes if you can cause there are a lot of guest appearances. :thumb: Will is in 3 episodes in All Of Us For the people that missed the Will Smith episode on All Of Us. Trouble is playing it at 3:30pm today.
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