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Daedalus Mortality

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Everything posted by Daedalus Mortality

  1. Yea, my real name is Arthur. And[i] Daedalus Mortality [/i]comes from [i]Daedalus[/i] in greek mythology, (he was the father of [i] Icarus[/i], and the builder of the [i]Minotaurs Labyrinth[/i].) And i just added mortality becouse of the story of [i]Daedalus.[/i]
  2. uhm I used to be Big A like 5 years ago on the official forum, but I changed it becouse it sounded like Big gay when you pronounced it lol, so it just became The A and then hmm I think omniscient, and prolly some others in between.
  3. [i]hmm[/i] I'm not talking about his accent. Atleast I don't think so becouse he does not allways do it. [i]PS. yea ive listend to it a couple of times again and I really think its over articulation that bothers me"[/i]
  4. Yes you have, its like [i]Fugees[/i] & friends. But I only think they released one song under that name tough:[b] Electric Avenue [/b]by [i]Pras[/i]. But its a great song and i'm listening to it :P
  5. It's a dope song, but [now comes the upbuilding critizism] I personally think its kind of anoying how you use your voice (not all of the time in some parts you rap normal.) It's just hard to put my finger on what it is [i](its difrent and its def and it apeals to kids :P)[/i]But its like maybe over articulating, its pretty clear what I mean when you say "you got to understand i'm a simple maaeenn" instead of just simple man. This also makes it harder to understand what you are saying for me, but that could also be becouse I am not a native speaker and even tough my english is good i'm not home enough in it. But that's just my taste and overall its pretty profecional. Looking forward to your next song^:) Ps. Don't get me wrong I do like it, just tought this would help you more than just saying "dope i like it" even if you don't agree whit my point.
  6. [i]Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh prince[/i] [i]Nas[/i] [i]Refugeecamp Allstars[/i] [i]Canibus[/i] Wow, notice how I have a great musical taste?
  7. ofcourse I agree that is far more dangerous, the extemists are civilians and the USA is a country, a super power. And besids the recourses they will gain from war its also a known fact that the entire American economy is based on warfare. They got out of their economical crisis becouse of ww2 (before wich they were not one of the worlds tue super powers) and have been in constant war since, wich like the quote sugested is of great importance for them. And also the usa likes to think international law doesnt apply to them, for example the international court of law is here in the Netherlands (Slobodan milosovic is on trial here) so when war criminals are captured they should be brought here for procecution, but the US have created a law a while ago that if american war criminals get arrested the US can invade holland , free them and take them back by foce. And ofcourse there are many other examples like the invasion of Iraq and the things going on on guatanamo bay. (And im from Holland and our leaders are America ass kissers. :P)
  8. [quote]Do you not find it scarier the other extremism going on at the moment? [/quote] no, why? [b] Christian extremists:[/b] [quote]Ann Coulter: We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. [/quote] [quote]Gary DeMar: The long term goal [is] the execution of abortionists and parents who hire them. If we argue that abortion is murder, then we must call for the death penalty. [/quote] [quote]Joseph Morecraft: Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody's pseudo-right to worship an idol. [/quote] [quote]Gary North: This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians. [/quote] [quote]Randall Terry: I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism. [/quote] [quote]Randall Terry: The next step, if at all humanly possible (and in 90% of the cases it is), it is to get our children out of the humanistic, brianwashing institution called `public education.' Frankly, it is a mixture of insanity and irresponsibility to turn our children over to our adversaries and their curriculum in a God-less education system (i.e., a system that teaches history and science without God). [/quote] [b]Islamic ones:[/b] [quote] Ruhollah Khomeini: [T]hose who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. All the countries conquered by Islam or to be conquered in the future will be marked for everlasting salvation. For they shall live under [God's law]. [/quote] [quote]Osama bin Laden: Every Muslim, the minute he can start differentiating, carries hate towards Americans, Jews, and Christians; this is part of our ideology. Ever since I can recall I felt at war with the Americans and had feelings of animosity and hate toward them. [/quote] [quote]Ahmad Abu Halabiya: Allah, deal with the Jews, your enemies and the enemies of Islam. Deal with the crusaders, and America, and Europe behind them, O Lord of the worlds. [/quote] [quote]Hasan al-Banna: The supreme martyrdom is only conferred on those who slay or are slain in the way of God. As death is inevitable and can happen only once, partaking in jihad is profitable in this world and the next [/quote] And I find them both ecually scary
  9. im not looking into the song to deep, i am just notecing a wave of upcoming christian extremism and just much more attention to christianity and even the re-merging of religion and state in the USA. Wich I pesonally find rather scary(as would I with all religions)and in wich this song fits perfectly.
  10. I don't know whythe both of you talk about offenciv i neve aid the song was offincive to anyone. and Christian extremism is well just like Islamic extremism only whit christians quote: "God bless america"
  11. I have :P but its like 1 second and hard to undestand in the background :P
  12. Anyone has any bits of it online ? maybe from live shows?
  13. Set in Chicago circa 2005, it depicts a world in which robots have become a trusted part of everyday life. lol uhm yea, so w got like 5 months
  14. lyricly i think code red isone of the bst jjfp album "Every young rapper trying to get you to jump But when you're all done jumpin' I'ma get you what you really want" "Heads are boppin' hard and fast And now I'm getting' sued 'cause my groove caused whiplash" "everybody want to be a gangsta Pup pup pup pup but no more thanks to me You got something you can flip on the other tip. As you get lost in the smooth rhymes I rip Years and years my peers misunderstood, that I make cuts from my guts to make you feel good" (and the entire song code red is just so funny) and his flow is great to on most records. and its just amazing when he says: the F-L-Y guy (echo echo)
  15. lol i think it is great ^.^ i lovd the jingle lol lmao "see where the hell wee you in the creative process"
  16. Will just sounds like he want to be tuff thats not the same as gritty
  17. im not saying it is offenciv, epecially not against christians I am asking wether or not you think it is part of the wave of christian extremism
  18. the only thing i dont like about code red is wills voice, i dunno it ust sounds to fake
  19. Well, I know there has been alot of positivity about this song (also from will), but isn't their anyone who sees this as being part of the religious extremism and fundamentalism comming up in the United States? most likely rooted from the rising fear and uncertenty about the future surrounding the terrorism, the wars and such? well, or not I dunno. PS. I think it is strange that in the song he really does not speak about christian moral that much at all, he just speaks about jesus being the saviour and the devil being the evil.
  20. well, im not 100% sue :P but I hope it is what I aid. and hat you said about reading the lyrics, thos arnt official that are just people writing em down just aswell.
  21. lol its not "" everybody wants to be a gangsta pop pop pop pop, and no more thanks to me" its "everybody wants to be a gangsta pop pop pop pop, but no more. Thanks to me you got something you can flip on the other tip cus you get lost in the smooth rymes I rip."
  22. hi i go to china now be back in in 3 weeks bye
  23. what? screw is a nicer word then ****? what do you think screwing means?
  24. I love 90s rap but mostley later 90's from Illmatic--------------to----------Slim Shady LP, I just love the style from that time period, but then everything got ****ed up by the Chronic2 and the type of production it brought whit it
  25. This is my 551st post on these forums... A normal figure? I think not! Add on 115 and you will see the figure becomes 666... The Devil is at work here! 666 is not the number of the beast, 616 is. 666 was a mistake made in the coppieng of the bible
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